Remarketing using customer match

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Remarketing Using Customer MatchCreate user lists based on email addresses


● A Quick Reminder About User Lists

● What Is Remarketing Using Customer Match?

● Caveats

● How To Create an Email Based User List

Quick Reminder About User Lists

A User List

● A collection of people who have used your site or app

● Used for remarketing

● Membership has a life-span: up to 540 days

Different types of User Lists

● BasicUserList - Remarketing to visitors who took specific actions on your website or app

● RuleBasedUserList - Remarketing to visitors who follow advertiser-defined rules:○ E.g. visited specific pages at specific times and

have at least 1 item in their shopping cart

Different types of User Lists (Cont.)

● LogicalUserList - Combining two or more user lists

● SimilarUserList - Remarketing to people that share similar interests and behaviors to those in other user lists

What Is Remarketing Using Customer Match?

Use Case For Customer Match

● I have an existing database of the email addresses of my customers

● I want to use these emails to:○ Target only my customers○ Target similar people to my customers○ Prevent certain ads from being shown to selected


Customer Match Remarketing

● A user list whose members are added by email address

● Email addresses are hashed and can be uploaded in bulk

Customer Match Remarketing (Cont.)

● Support for similar audiences

● Membership has a life-span: up to 180 days

Customer Match Remarketing (Cont.)

● Must set an opt-out endpoint

Customer Match Policy

● Must collect email addresses as 1st party

● Cannot upload information for customers under the age of 13

● Ads Cannot collect Personally Identifiable Information

● and more… (read this!)


Ad Availability: Customer Match

Google Search Network Yes

Gmail Yes

YouTube Yes

Google Display Network No

Ad Availability: Similar Audiences

Google Search Network No

Gmail Yes

YouTube Yes

Google Display Network No

User List Members

● Email addresses must be associated with a Google account

● May take several hours for members to be included

● List size will round to the two most significant digits and show as zero for less than 1,000 members

User List Members (Cont.)

● Ads will serve only when the user list has at least 1,000 active members

● A single mutate call can operate on a maximum of 10,000 user lists and can add/remove a maximum of 10,000 email addresses for each user list

Code Example

Creating an Email Based User List

// Create a remarketing user list.CrmBasedUserList userList =

new CrmBasedUserList();userList.setName("my crm list");userList.setDescription("email based");userList.setMembershipLifeSpan(180L);

// Required. Link for opting-out members.userList.setOptOutLink("");// [omitted] Mutate list...

Preparing To Add Members

// Prepare the operation to add members.MutateMembersOperation operation =

new MutateMembersOperation();

MutateMembersOperand operand = new MutateMembersOperand();


Preparing To Add Members (Cont.)

ImmutableList<String> EMAILS = …// Hash normalized email addresses based on// SHA-256 hashing algorithm.List<String> hashes =

new ArrayList(EMAILS.size());

for (String email : EMAILS) { String norm = toNormalizedEmail(email); hashes.add(toSHA256String(norm));


SHA-256 Hashing

String toSHA256String(String str) throws ... {MessageDigest digest =

MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");byte[] hash =

digest.digest(str.getBytes("UTF-8"));StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();for (byte b : hash) { result.append(String.format("%02x", b));}return result.toString();


Mutate User List Members

// Add email address hashes.operand.setMembers(

hashes.toArray(new String[hashes.size()]));operation.setOperand(operand);operation.setOperator(Operator.ADD);

// Add members to the user list based on email// addresses.userListService.mutateMembers(

new MutateMembersOperation[] { operation });

Resources● Customer Match:● Rule-Based Remarketing:● CrmBasedUserList:● Code Example:● Why This Ad:● Similar Audiences:● Policy Page:
