Selenium Tips & Tricks - By Yanir Taflev


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Yanir Taflev

Best practices


Yanir Taflev Customer success engineer

BSc - Computers Science Previous Titles: Automation engineer, SW Architect, Lead developer, R&D Startups: Loca-To,

Technologies: Selenium, Appium, UFT/QTP, CodedUI, Java, C#, RoR, ASP.NET, OOD/OOSE, Web, Android, Client-Server, Python and more…

#1 - Working with frames.#2 - Working with tabs/windows.#3 - Taking screenshots on failures.#4 - Waits.

“Automation with frames is not trivial, In order to access the elements within a frame we need to tell Selenium to switch to it”


• Nested frames requires harder work: ie. accessing /Level1/Level2/…/LevelN driver.switchTo().frame(“Level1”); driver.switchTo().frame(“Level2”); etc… driver.switchTo().frame(“LevelN”);

• Switching back if accessing outside the frame: driver_.switchTo().defaultContent();

“The same as with frames, when new window/tab created in browser we need to tell Selenium to switch to it”


• To identify new window we take list of windows handles and subtract it from the old list before new window was inserted.

Set<String> newHandles = driver_.getWindowHandles();

“Taking screenshots is one of the basics in automation to understand whats’ failed”• Prefer to set screenshot taking in base class.• Take screenshots only on failures.

(Unless there is real need i.e. UI Automated Testing)• Preserve order in naming so it will easy to find the images.

((TakesScreenshot) driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);

“Wait are usually required for synchronization with the Application under test (AUT)”

• Implicit wait - The amount of time given to findElement method before it fails (Raise an Exception)Note: There default implicit wait in Selenium is 0 driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(4, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

• Explicit wait - Polling mechanism to fulfil a condition within a given timeout. (new WebDriverWait(driver, 10)).until(<Condition>);*Condition can be either one of builtin ExpectedConditions or Custom predicate.

