02 The Book of Communion



This is the second lesson from the Song of Solomon. Will be taught in the adult Sunday school class at Baptist Bible Church, Puyallup, WA 11-23-14. Please call 253 535-3165 for further information.

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Lesson Two

Song of Solomon

* He is not seen here as Saviour, * Nor as King,

* Nor as High Priest * Nor as Judge,

* Nor as Prophet * Nor as the Captain of our Salvation,

* Nor as the great Shepherd of the sheep, * Nor as the mighty God,

* Nor as the King of Kings, * Nor as His people’s Surety

* - No! It is in a dearer and closer relation than any of these – it is Jesus as our Bridegroom, Jesus in marriage union with His bride, His Church.”

*Quoting Newton again,

*“The Song of Solomon is to be understood as the mutual interchange of affections of the Bridegroom and the Bride. It is the experience of the soul towards Christ in this particular relationship.” 

*Pastor C.H. Spurgeon's favorite title for Jesus back in the 1850's was "My well beloved"

*Pastor H.A. Ironside, wrote in about 1933 that the Song of Solomon is a"… singularly delightful portion of the Word of God."

*J.G. Bellett wrote sometime before 1909, "Let Him kiss me with the kisses of His mouth." She had been keeping the vineyards — attending to things abroad, but now was learning that her own vineyard had been neglected; and the deeper things of personal fellowship are longed for. The saint is leaving Martha's and taking Mary's place, longing to feed under His own eye and from His own hand, and not another's."

*The Song of Solomon is a picture of Christ’s love for His people.

 *The point is that people who are in love express that love without shame or embarrassment.

 *The point is to verbally and emotionally express love for Jesus Christ and to expect that same love to be reciprocated.

*The Song of Solomon is a picture of Christ’s love for His people.

 *The point is that people who are in love express that love without shame or embarrassment.

 *The point is to verbally and emotionally express love for Jesus Christ and to expect that same love to be reciprocated.
