1 1 Hebrews




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Hebrews: Roots of Judaism

Social Studies for 10th E.G.B. | Teacher: Mauricio Torres

Early History

The Israelites or Hebrews recorded events and laws in the Torah, their most sacred text.

They were a group of herders that appeared sometime between 2000 and 1500 BC.

Nomadic People

2000 B.C. According to the Torah, Abraham who lived near Ur, migrated with his sheep-herding family into a region named Canaan. He is considered to be the founding father of the Israelite nation. Because of famine, they had to

move out Canaan and left for Egypt, where they lived well. Their numbers grew into great numbers. Therefore, the Pharaoh enslaved them out of fear.

Nomadic People

1200 B.C. According to the Hebrew Bible, a leader named Moses appeared among the Israelites. He appeared before the

Pharaoh and demanded his people be freed. He refused.

Soon a series of plagues struck the land of Egypt and out of fear and superstition, the Pharaoh freed them.

The journey out of Egypt back to Canaan was called the Exodus. They believed that God had

chosen them as their special people and set them free.

Law and Morals

According to the Hebrew Bible, during the Exodus, Moses received from God two stone tablets at Mount Sinai: These included a code of

moral laws. They are known as The Ten


With these laws they agreed to value human life, self-control and justice.

Also the commitment to only one God.


“I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the house of

bondage. You shall have no other gods beside Me.”

This promise of a unique relationship with God helped shape the history of the Israelites, later known as the Jews. Their early religion evolved into Judaism.

Return to Canaan

Eventually they reached the land of Canaan. Once there, they fought against people living there to gain control of the land, before they could settle. Afterwards they built their

own society.

In Canaan they lived in scattered communities, with no central government! Instead they chose judges

to enforce laws and settle disputes among them.

Ask Yourselves

Identify: Who was Abraham? Where did he come from and where did he

move to?

Sequence: Briefly detail the events that led to the Exodus.

Infer: Knowing the geography of the Middle East, which natural

features do you think Abraham might have followed into Canaan? (draw a map with the answer given in class)

Recall: According to the Hebrew Bible, what code of morals did God

give to Moses?

Explain: How did the Ten Commandments shape Israelite life?


Burstein, S. M., & Shek, R. (2012). World History (Teacher´s Edition) (1st Edition ed.). (H. McDougal, Ed.) Orlando, Florida, US.: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

Images taken from Google.com