1 John 2



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1 John 2

Love one another

So that you will not sin

• In verse 1 is says “I write this to you so that you will not sin.” You might ask does he mean sinless perfection. No, even sometimes when we make the right choice it does not mean there is no sin involve. What he is trying to say is to make people sin less and less. If you are praying and asking God to forgive your sins ,but all ready planning your next sin then there is something wrong. If you sin and do not care and just keep breaking his commandments then this is what he is talking about. He knows that you are going to slip ,but he wants you to sin less and less.

Our Defender, Our Atoning Sacrifice

• In verse 1-2 it talks about how we have Jesus to speak to the Father in our defense. Now it is not like a lawyer who tries to prove we are innocence. We know that we are guilty ,but he speaks to the Father and tells him that HE is our sacrifice. He took our punishment so we do not have to. He become the High Priest, the blood and the mercy set. (Will go into detail in another PowerPoint about old testament sacrificing)

I Know Him

• What does it mean to know God? To know God is not as simple as saying “I believe” as even a sinner can say that. To love God is to obey his commandments. It is to have that personal relationship with him that you just start doing good and living by his word. What is God’s commandments? It is as simple as loving one another.

When you start living for him and truly obey his word then your love is truly made complete in you.

God's Love is made complete

• When God’s love is made complete what do you think that means? It means that you have started to love him with you full strength, body, mind and soul. You felt that change and you started to just help, love and just doing nice things in general just because. When you feel that love and when you notice that change it is then you feel that love God has made complete in you.

Walk as Jesus did

• “This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did. “

• You might be asking what does it mean to walk as Jesus did? It means to love and treat people with respect. Even when they hit Jesus he still loved them. When they mocked him he still loved them. He offered help to anyone that asked. This is what it means to walk as Jesus did. To love your brother, to help out anyone that ask for it and to just be kind overall.

Love one another

• In verses 9-10 John makes it clear that there is only two things when it comes to love. Love and hate. There is no middle ground. You might be asking well this person has done wrong to me how can I love him. As it says in Luke 17:3 "If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him.” Then one more time in Luke 17:4 “If he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times comes back to you and says, 'I repent,' forgive him."

Old and New command

• It is old cause even in the old testament and the old law it says you need to love your neighbor as yourself. A good reference is Lev. 19:18 and Lev. 19:33. In 19:18 it tells us to not hold a grudge or revenge ,but love your neighbor as yourself. As 19:33 it tells us to even love the alien. To love people that we do not even know. Now it is new in a since that it is extended. Instead of loving your neighbor as yourself, you should love him as Christ would love him.

Do not love the world

• This is a nice little passage. What it means is to not love things like material objects. When you get attached to things like T.V you can start to draw away from God and focus more on that then God. The earth and everything on it will disappear and fade away ,but when you do God’s will you have eternal life.

Lead you astray

• Verses 18-27 is here to warn you that their will be people out their that will try to turn you away from Christ. People that will try to get you to turn away from your faith. It tells you to keep what you have heard from the start. Keep the truth about Jesus in your heart and do not give in to the lies, tricks and temptation others will try on you.

Quick Overview

• Jesus came to take your punishment. He came to save us from our sin. He came to bring us back to God. He came so we can recognize that we sin and hope that we will stop sinning or at least sin less. He became our atoning sacrifice our defender so we can have fellowship with the Father. When we love one another, obey his commandments and love him more then the things of this world our love is made complete in him. You just need to remain strong and not give in to lies and fall for tricks and temptation that others will try on you to get you away from the truth.
