A Beginner's Guide to Crystals


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A Beginner’s Guide to Crystals and their amazing healing energy

by Psychic Readings by Ronn Birmingham, MI

Crystal Healing Helps Everyone.

When you pick up a crystal, its energy begins to hum alongside your body's energy. This amplifies vibrational

frequency, thus maintaining the mental, physical, and spiritual stasis of your body.

There are so many crystals! Where to start?

Citrine: Inspires Abundance

Deflects negative energy

Clear Quarts Protects against harm

Aids in personal ambition

Rose Quartz Inspires radical self-love

Amethyst Opens the mind

Evades negative energy

Black Onyx Protects by absorbing negative energy

These are just several of the life-changing crystals that have been used by humans for thousands of years.

Psychic Readings by Ronn, Birmingham, MI
