Anti racism




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By the students of OÁMK Simon István Street Primary School

In 1996, the General Assembly of the United Nations proclaimed March 21 to be the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (Resolution: 2142), and called upon world leaders to increase efforts to eliminate all forms of racial intolerance and discrimination. The day was chosen to remember the deaths of nearly seventy people, killed by police during a peaceful demonstration against apartheid, in Sharpeville, South Africa in 1960, and has been used as a rallying cry by anti-racist organizations worldwide.

These are our most important thoughts about anti racism

We need peace to live together, the most important thing is love and acceptance

We are colourful nations

Everybody is equal

Don’t judge by looks

Black or white? It doesn’t matter.

Live happily, don’t be sad

Accept the otherness

Hold your hands

We are together

It happened but it’s over

We must unite

We can live together peacefully

Everybody is equal in all walks of life

Support those in need

Make friends
