Biblefresh: Burkina Faso



Biblefresh is supporting Bible translation in two languages in Burkina Faso, Bissa Barka and Bissa Lebir. For more information please see

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Got a Bible? Give a Bible. What could be simpler?

You can help people in Burkina Faso, like Suzanne.

‘Before we had the New Testament I used to pray but I didn’t understand my faith.’

Suzanne, 32 (centre)

‘With the Bible, when you pray it gives you light and makes your faith grow and it gives you more happiness.’

You can help Jacob, 45, who wants to tell others about his faith, but struggles to do so without a Bible.

‘I can understand bits of the Moore translation when I read. The problem is when I have to talk to people about the Lord, without the Bible in my mother tongue, I haven’t got the right words to talk to them.’

Please help bring the life-changing message of God’s love to people in Burkina Faso, the world’s third poorest country.

£30 could translate a short passage – such as the parable of the sower

£70 could pay for a translation of Jesus’ feeding of the 5,000

£200 could see the creation account in Genesis re-told in a language that truly touches lives

Photos: Clare Kendall