End Times Training, Part 4: False Prophets, Iniquity, Loveless Nights, And Endurance To The End



Fourth in an installment of teachings on the last days as understood within Christian Biblical teaching. Fourth Teaching: False Prophets, Iniquity, Loveless Nights, And Endurance To the End, in which we look at staple signs of false prophets, signs of iniquity present today and why sin is so prevalent, why people today do not love, barriers to love, and why endurance to the end merits salvation

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The Last Days compose an era of unspecified time which refers to the times that end the era preceding the return of Jesus Christ in the Second Coming

The Last Days are noted for certain specific characteristics by which we can identify these times as different from other times

The ancients viewed prophecy as circular, not linear› They believed in life coming full circle, prophecy

coming full circle, and things standing restored

› In the beginning was God, man, and order; in the end will be God, man, and order; to get there, there must be a time of uproar and disruption

› The Last Days prophecy does not refer to a

literal explosion or cataclysm totally

destroying the entire world, but a series of

events that shall disrupt and get the

attention of people

In the last days, people shall be

deceived on all different levels

There shall be an increase in wars, rumors

of wars, and numerous natural disasters

in different places within the world

True believers of the Lord shall face

hatred, betrayal, familial problems,

hated by the world, and face offense

False prophets have popped up virtually everywhere, proclaiming a number of different doctrines and beliefs that are empty and lead to nothing› A false prophet is one who claims to hear from the

Lord, who proclaims a doctrine they have received as being from the Lord, and speaks words over people that are false

If they are saying things that are just made up, that’s an obvious false prophet

If they are saying something that everybody else says, that’s being a false prophet

If they are delivering a word because they think it’s what you want to hear…that’s being a false prophet!

The word spoken does not come true – While it can take time for some words of God to come to pass, if a word is given with a time frame or is very specific to a circumstance and it doesn’t happen, that means it is a false prophecy

The individual claims to receive a message from God in a means that is ungodly – God has clarified ungodly means of attempting to foretell the future, via methods that involve divination. Tarot cards, horoscopes, astrology, psychics, psychic hotlines, necromancy (messages from the dead), fortune telling, palmistry, glass looking, etc. are all considered demonic according to the guidelines of God

Seeks to deceive – If someone is intending to deceive with their words, they are a false prophet

The individual is telling “fortunes” for money – There is nothing wrong with a minister of God receiving a love offering or for expecting their expenses to be covered by the church that has invited them; however, a prophet cannot give a word for financial profit; if someone gives a prophecy with the intention to obtain financial means or asks for financial compensation after giving a prophetic word, the odds are good they are a false prophet

The individual is proclaiming a false doctrine – It’s not an accident God contrasted the Israelites with their neighbors in terms of their understanding of receiving a divine message; thus those who believe falsely about the things of God and the doctrines of God cannot deliver a message from God

We discussed deception in part 1 of this series› People are deceived because somewhere inside they

want to be deceived If someone truly knows the voice of the Spirit within and the

Word of God, they should know when someone is telling them something that is wrong

If we continue to follow a false prophet because we like what they say or it’s what we want to hear, then the deception is on us

People are drawn in by false prophecy because of seeking something within themselves that wants to believe a deception

› A false prophet is a clever salesman; he or she knows what the people want to hear and says it for their own prophet

A false prophet is so intense and so deceptive because they claim to be speaking for God or in God’s Name – when they are not!

Iniquity is a word for “sin”› So in other words, sin shall be rampant, present

everywhere, in the church, in the world, in families, in relationships – rearing its ugly head and leading to a lot of problems

People will stop seeking to do right and turn from sin (even in ways that may not lead to the fullness of truth)› There is no striving for protection, concern for

others, or trying to model after the principles of holiness

› The attitude is that people can’t be perfect, so why bother trying – just do whatever you want and deal with the consequences later

Immorality – Immorality is not as simple as following a list of rules and regulations, but a way or condition of living that is contrary to the ethics and principles of God marked by integrity. Immorality is the lack of integrity, both personal and when interacting with others. It is the condition of acting without morals

Lack of self-control –Rather than exercise control in one’s personal

impulses, thoughts, feelings, opinions, and personal space and boundaries, people voice, express, and act upon every single impulse they may have

Disrespect – People do not extend common courtesy to their fellow human being, do not consider the feelings, thoughts, or well-being of other people, and extend general disrespect to those in authority and to others in general.

Disorder – As the world

spins more and more

out of control, disorder

rears its most prevalent

head; people have

issues with

order, boundaries, limit

s, discipline, structure,

and encourage the

total disillusion of order

and structure as

opposed to upholding

principles of decency

and order

Waxing cold› Imagine wax that has dried and hardened

› It is unable to be shaped, bent, is cold, inflexible, and breaks easily

› Now compare that to people’s love walk today!

Lack of love today› People are taken in by hate and hatred

› Rather than acting in love, people react emotionally and debate about issues based on their emotions Do not step back and consider people

Don’t regard facts; only regard personal perspectives about matters

Driven by lusts (not just a sexual statement, but one of a drive or intense desire for any thing)

People today do not act in love› We must be taught about love and about

considering other people in our lives True love involves the sacrifice of the flesh

People live by the flesh rather than the Spirit (even many who claim to be believers) and therefore they do not submit to the order to die to the flesh to love other people

They center on themselves and their interests and what they want and what they hope for in every situation rather than stepping back and asking what is best for the entire circumstance and everyone who is in it

› With love waxing cold, we see and understand more of the conduct and behavior present through sin in our society Sin is overcome through love – without love, there is

rampant sin

Those who endure through these times will see the salvation of Christ manifest› There is something to be said for endurance rather

than trying to escape If we do what is right as those who have gone before us

in the faith, we shall receive the crown of life

We are called to proclaim the day to come and live it as much as we can now, living in that promise, because we are a part of the Kingdom of God

› We are the types that point to that reality, and the love, integrity, hope, and truth that shall be present that day

God’s people persevere, they don’t give up› Giving up is a worldly thing; persevering is a God


Endurance requires determination and stamina› We won’t always have the same signs of success the

world has, but we will always receive confirmation from God that we are doing the right thing

› We have to look to God when things are bleak and keep going no matter what may be happening

› It is a focus: we will do what God has said no matter what happens, what consequences may come in the natural – we will follow God

It is a resolve, a sincere purpose in and of itself that leads us to wherever God would will and purpose for us to be

We will do His will if we are thrown in a fire – if God comes through, it is His will – if not we will trust Him anyway!

Get up and do something! Stop sitting around waiting for a way out, do something to make the Kingdom real to something else

Let’s encourage each other to finish the race› Continue and pursue even if it takes you a

long time to do so

› Do the right thing – not the emotional thing –even if you are the only one

› Encourage one another, without jealousy or envy

› Help wherever you are called because our journeys in the Kingdom often overlap and are interconnected

› Avoid discouragement when facing the times by knowing the signs and understanding where we are prophetically

Preaching of the Gospel to every nation

and the abomination that causes


› Where is the Gospel going – how is it going to get out – and where are we in this


› Teaching on the abomination that causes

desolation, what it is, signs of it, and its open door into tribulation