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Tibet scenery 西藏最后的净土

音乐:忘忧 He Yan: 09 11 2012

NEVER share your secrets with ANYONE… This can be self-destructive. 千万不要和任何人分享你的秘密,它会毁掉你。

NEVER tell your problems to ANYONE… 20% don’t care, and 80% are glad that you have them! 不必把你的问题告诉任何人,因为他们当中 20%的人不会关心你,另外 80%的人只会幸灾乐祸。

Life is similar to Boxing game. Defeat is NOT declared when you fall down; It is declared when you refuse to ‘Get Up’!


Always WRONG persons teach the RIGHT lessons in Life! 在生活中,总是“错”的人教你“正确”的知识

Everything is valuable only at 2 times: 1.    Before getting it; and 2.    After losing it!!


Two things bring happiness & success in life: 1.    The way you MANAGE when you have nothing and 2.    The way you BEHAVE when you have everything ! 能给我们生活中带来幸福和成功的方式有两种:1.当你一无所有时的处事方式和2.当你拥有一切时的言行

Two places are MOST VALUABLE in the world: 1.    The NICEST place is to be in someone’s Thoughts and 2.    The SAFEST place is to be in someone’s Prayers. 下面两个地方是世上最令人向往的地方1.人们心中向往的地方:是最美好的地方,2.人们心中祈祷的地方是:最安全的地方。

One of the greatest victories you can gain over someone is to beat him at politeness. 战胜对手最有效的方式之一是以理服人。

Faith is taking the 1st step, even when you don’t see the whole staircase. “信仰”是当你还没有看到全部阶梯时迈出的第一步。

A Deaf child says: “For all of you, I am deaf; But for me, all of you are dumb” Moral: Life differs in each perspective. Live the way you want to. 一个失聪小孩说:对于你们来讲,我是个聋子,但对于我来说,你们都是哑巴。启示:生活的意义在每个人的眼中是不同的,按自己喜好的方式生活吧 .

Keep your face to the Sun, And you will not see the shadow!


It is always good to check once in a while, And make sure that You haven’t lost the things that money cannot buy..!! 我们需要经常反省自己,以避免失去金钱买不到的东西!!

Ego is the only requirement to destroy any relationship. Be a bigger person; skip the “E”, and let it “go”..!! “ 自我”是人与人相处的大敌,要想成为一个成功人士,就需要抛弃“自我”!!

利己主义者的一个长处是:他们从不议论别人!One good thing about Egoists: They don’t talk about other people!

What is SUCCESS? It is when your photos are uploaded on GOOGLE, Instead of FACEBOOK..!! 什么是成功 ?当你的照片被上载到谷歌而不是脸书时,你就是成功了!!

Do you know why God did not give us the gift to read others’ minds? So that, We could have the chance to “TRUST”, And privilege to be “TRUSTED”!


As long as we don’t forgive people who have hurt us, They occupy a RENT-FREE SPACE IN OUR MIND! 只要我们不原谅曾经伤害过我们的人,他们就永远不会从我们的记忆中消失!

Always keep hoping for good. Keep a green tree in your heart. The singing birds will automatically come..! 永远不要丧失信心,只要你心中有棵绿树,鸟儿就会飞来歌唱!

God always likes to know again and again what you want… It is not that He forgets your Dreams & Prayers; But He loves to check your passion towards your desire..!


We have solutions to all the problems, When they are not ours!!! 当问题和自己无关时,我们总是能很快找到解决办法!!!

I asked God: “If everything is already written in Destiny, then WHY should I pray?” God smiled and said: “I have also written- CONDITIONS APPLY…”!!! 我问上帝:”既然每件事情的结局你都写在了终点,我为什么还要祈祷?”上帝笑着说:“我还有注明 -要满足一些条件”!!!

Empty pockets teach millions of things in life… But full pockets spoil us in million ways!!! 当口袋没钱时,我们会在生活中学到很多东西但当我们口袋有很多钱时,又有很多方式可以毁掉我们!!!

Everything about the future is uncertain, But one thing is sure: God has already arranged all our tomorrows… We just have to TRUST HIM TODAY!! 我们不能确定每一件事的结果会怎样,但有一件事是肯定的:上帝已经安排好了我们的明天我们只要在今天相信上帝就可以了!!

Trust is like a STICKER. Once it is removed, it may stick again, But NOT as strong as it holds when you first applied it..! Always take care of relations. 信任就像一个粘纸。拿掉后还可以再粘上,但却不如第一次粘上时牢固了!所以我们要维护好和朋友间的信任关系

Getting angry is punishing yourself for the mistakes of others! 生气是用别人的错误来惩罚自己!

No one in the world is afraid to speak the truth. Everybody is afraid to face the consequences after the truth is told!没有人害怕说出真相,他们只是不敢面对说出真相时的后果!

NEVER win people with Arguments, rather defeat with your Smile! Because people who always wish to Argue with you, cannot bear your Silence!!! 用微笑而不是争论去“战胜”对手,因为沉默是战胜喜欢争论人的有利武器

The search for happiness is one of the main source of unhappiness.

“ 寻找快乐”是我们不快乐的主要原因

Diplomacy is an art of telling people to go to hell in such a way that they tend to ask you for directions..!! 外交是一种当你让人们去地狱时,人们还问你去地狱方向的一门艺术

If a drop of water falls on a Lake, its identity is lost; If it falls on Lotus leaf, it shines like a Pearl. Drop is the same; but the company matters. 一滴水珠落到湖中就消失的无影无踪,落到荷叶上,它就像一粒珍珠。同样是一滴水珠,对象不同,结果就会不一样。

Our HOPES should be like Hair & Nails. No matter how many times they get cut, But they never stop growing. 我们的希望应该像头发和指甲一样,不管被剪短多少次,但从没有停止生长。

“F-E-A-R” has two meanings: 1. Forget Everything And Run… 2. Face Everything And Rejoice..! Choice is ours..!!

“F-E-A-R” 有两个含义:1.逃走并忘掉一切2.开心地面对一切!如何选择,在于我们自己

Memories are always special… Sometimes we laugh by remembering the days we cried; And we cry by remembering the days we laughed…!!! That’s Life! 记忆是很奇妙的…有时我们因为想起曾经哭过而笑;又有时我们因为想起曾经的笑而哭!!! 这就是生活!

Sea is common for all… Some take pearls, Some take fishes, Some come out just with just wet legs! World is common to all; what we get, is what we try for!


To smile without condition, To walk without intention, To give without reason, & To care without expectation, Are the beauties of any Relation !


Life is very complicated… When you have standards, people call it ATTITUDE; When you are simple, people try to CHEAT you; & When you cheat others, people call you SMART!


All communication problems are because We don’t listen to understand; We listen to reply…!!! 所有因沟通而产生问题的原因是,我们听完对方的话后,没有尝试去了解对方的意图,就急于反驳或回应对方!!!

Have a nice day! 祝朋友天天愉快!
