Holy eucharist




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HOLY EUCHARIST• Also known as Holy Communion

Sacrament of the altar blessed sacrament and the Lord’s Supper.

• The Greek word “Eucharistia” meaning “Thanksgiving”.

• Means blessing (Berakhah in Hebrew)

• Holy communion from the word itself “sharing in common”.

• “Agape” – love feast



I. Introductory Rites• The entrance hymn is the first of the 4

proper hymns sung during mass.• The procession leads with the altar

cross followed by the candles, the Book of the Gospels, and lastly the priest.

• The cross must be present at or near the altar of the Sacrifice. The cross depicts the sacrifice f the cross and made present at the altar.

• Greeting - with the crowd standing, the priest and the faithful make the sign of the cross. Then the priest greets the crowd with “The Lord be with you”. We respond by saying “And also with you”.

• The Penitential Rite- We reflect on our sins and ask God to forgive them. This is a general absolution and cannot replace going to confession.

• Kyrie - Lord Have Mercy, Christ Have Mercy, Lord Have Mercy.• Gloria- Glory in the Highest. This is a song of thanks and praise.• Opening Prayer- The priest invites us to pray in silence.

II. Liturgy of the Word

• The Lectionary- Specifies the readings that are read in a certain date. The first reading comes from the Old Testament. The second reading comes from the New Testament and the Gospel comes from the writers Matthew, Mark, Luke or John.

• Responsorial Psalm- They are read or sung during the first and second reading.

• Homily - Where the priest explains the readings to the people, and give the people some words of wisdom.

• Profession of Faith- The desire to unite the people proclaiming their loyalty to the faith before they begin to celebrate the Eucharist.

• General Intercessions- we ask for the needs of the church, for public authorities and the salvation of the world. For those oppressed and the local community.

III. Liturgy of the Eucharist

• Preparation of the gifts- This is the time when the bread and wine are presented to God before they are consecrated.

• Lavabo -The Right of hand washing• Prayer over gifts- This breaks the

stillness and silence after the Lavabo, as invitation to pray and claim ownership of the sacrifice.

• Eucharist Prayera. The preface- The lord be with

you. This is an introductory prayer and gives us reason for our Thanksgiving.

b. The Sanctus- We fall on our knees in awe because we are in the presence of the Eucharist.

c. Epiclesis - invocation of God to send the Holy Spirit to change the bread and wine to the Body and Blood of Jesus.

d. The consecration- When the bread and wine is changed to the Body and Blood of Jesus.

e. The Transubstantiation- When the priest shows the congregation the transformed Bread and Wine.

• Memorial Acclamation- When the congregation proclaims the Mystery of Faith: Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ will come again.

• Remembrance - We call to mind the death and resurrection of Jesus.

• Offering - We call on God to offer the sacrifice in union with all the sacrifices in the past.

• Intercessions - The priest intercedes with the father. We pray for those who have departed and we pray for us sinners.

• Final Doxology- The priest lifts the host and the chalice proclaiming the doxology, the words of praise linking the Father, Son and Holy Sprit.

IV. Communion Rites

• The Lords Prayer- The communion rite begins with the Our Father Prayer.

• Embolism -When we give peace to our neighbors.

• The Fraction - When the priest breaks the bread. The purpose is to symbolize Jesus breaking bread at the last supper.

• The Commingling - When the priest puts a piece of the host in the wine.

• Agnus Dei - When the priest breaks the bread during the singing of the lamb of God.

• Communion - When we receive the Eucharist.

• Silence After Communion – Take time to praise and thank God. We mediate and say prayers to ourselves.

• Prayer After Communion- When the priest invites the congregation to pray and prepare for the Concluding Rite.

V. Concluding Rites

• Final Blessing- For the last time the priest and the people exchange greetings.

• Announcements - When the priest has anything to say about events in the parish.

• Dismissal - The mass ends with the solemn blessing of the congregation.