Keep Your Eyes on the Middle East- Spotlight Saudi Arabia!


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Saudi Arabia is an Arab state in W. Asia forming the bulk of

the Arabian Peninsula.

Bordered by Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, the UAE,

Oman, Yemen

2nd largest country (geographically) in the Arab World.

The conquests of the early 20th century united the 4 distinct regions in to what is modern day Saudi Arabia.

Ibn Saud- the

founder of Saudi


Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy & a hereditary dictatorship.

Saudi Arabia is the land of the “two holy mosques.”

Mecca Medina

Saudi Arabia is the world’s largest

producer & exporter of oil.

Women’s rights are non-existent & women are NOT allowed to drive.

Saudi Arabia is the 2nd

largest arms importer in the world!

25% of their budget is spent on the military!

Capital punishment is

usually carried out by beheading or


The prophet Muhammad,

founder of Islam, was born in Mecca

about 571 A.D.

Salafi, the ultra conservative branch of Sunni Islam, is the predominant feature

of Saudi Arabian culture.

Jihadists are Salafis!

Salafist Jihadists(apx. 50 groups)


Approximately 30 Salafi Jihadists groups are operating

in the Middle East.

Middle East: Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Yemen, Egypt & Sinai,

Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Qatar, Iran

The rest are spread through Asia, Africa, and Western


Other Countries include: Philippines, Somalia, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Indonesia,

Algeria, Mali, Libya, Eritrea, Tunisia, Nigeria, Russia (Chechnya), China, India,

Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Malaysia, Singapore, Afghanistan, Morocco, W.


The United States & Saudi Arabia have full diplomatic relations

since 1940!

Why? American is an OIL Addict!!!

Current News…

In the fall of 2015, a Saudi Arabian

prince was arrested in L.A. on

sex charges!

In 2015, 3 Saudi Princes were arrested 1 in the U.S,

1 in Morocco, and 1 in Lebanon!

Saudi’s Grand Mufti called ISIS,

part of the Israeli army!

6 Middle Eastern nations have labeled Iran’s attack on the Saudi Embassy in

Tehran as terrorism!

Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, UAE, Qatar, & Saudi Arabia all agree that Iran’s act was terrorism!

Iran believes that Saudi Arabia MUST

choose between hatred or stability!

Saudi Arabia has cut ties with Iran & warns of further


Saudi Shia protesters in E.

Saudi Arabia shout “death” to ruling Al-

Saud family!

Is Saudi Arabia in the biblical Text?

Arabia is mentioned in the

KJV 8 times.

Dedan, from the line of Ham (son of

Noah) is mentioned 11

times. Dedan was part of S. Arabia.

“Sheba and Dedan and the merchants of

Tarshish with all its villages will say to you,

‘Have you come to capture spoil? Have you

assembled your company to seize plunder,

to carry away silver and gold, to take away

cattle and goods, to capture great spoil?'”Ezekiel 38:13

Sheba, a nation of S. Arabia, is

mentioned many times!

“A multitude of camels will cover you,The young camels of Midian and Ephah;

All those from Sheba will come;They will bring gold and frankincense,

And will bear good news of the praises of the LORD.

Isaiah 60:6

Keep Your Eyes on

the Middle East

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