LDS Gospel Doctrine Book of Mormon Lesson 46


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Gospel Doctrine Book of Mormon Lesson 46 Ether 12-15

INTRODUCTION➤ Adversity Block Example

➤ We are given a goal of salvation that is impossible to achieve without grace.

➤ Often he puts obstacles in our way to help to strengthen us or to provide the needed resistance.

➤ The Jaredite story doesn't end with the barges. Ether 6:19,22-23 (this was before Moses’ time)

➤ Ether 6:24

➤ It took many generations before the true evil of this mistake took hold

➤ We must be obedient if the results are far distant

➤ Their civilization is destroyed but the words of their prophet can save us from a similar fate.

““God forbid that there should be any of us so unwisely indulgent, so thoughtless and so shallow in our affection for our children that we dare not check them in a wayward course, in wrong-doing and in their foolish love for the things of the world more than for the things of righteousness, for fear of offending them”

Joseph F. Smith, Gospel Doctrine, p. 286

ANCHOR TO OUR SOULS➤ The kingdom changes hands many time. 4

chapters of bloodshed and intrigue.

➤ Ether 11:20-22, the people reject the prophets

➤ Moroni included Ether’s writings (one of those prophets)

➤ Ether 12:2-3

➤ By Faith, all things are fulfilled. What does that mean?

➤ 5 results of faith (vs 3-4)

➤ 1. repentance

➤ 2. promises are fulfilled ➤ 3. hope is restored

➤ 4. good works abound

➤ 5. we glorify God

➤ How is hope (which cometh from faith) like an anchor to our souls?

➤ How do do faith and hope lead us to good works and to glorify God?

“ True faith is more than knowing there is a God. It is knowing God— knowing His attributes and His relationship to us. We must know He has a plan for us and that we are living in accordance with that plan.

-Joseph Smith, Lectures on Faith


➤ Definitions of faith:

➤ Ether 12:5-6, Alma 32:2, Hebrews 11:1

➤ How is faith the ‘evidence’ of things not seen?

➤ Remember the 5 things faith caused?

➤ When we see good works, see people turning to God, see restored hope, see promises fulfilled, these are evidence.

➤ ATOT: Cooking with applesauce instead of oil. I didn’t think it would work but I hoped enough to try it. I couldn’t see it work but I could taste it. I now had ‘evidence’ that my hope was founded on truth.

➤ Why do we have to wait until after the ‘trial of our faith’?

➤ ATOT: Teaching GD. I often have to dig to understand. Although I begin with confusion, I end with greater faith


➤ Ether 12:7-22, What are some of the results of Faith that Moroni points out? (see 30)

➤ They are all centered on Jesus Christ.

➤ Ether 12:8-9

➤ What is the gift?

➤ The atonement that allows us to realize our divine potential.

➤ If he can move mountains, prolong life, part the veil, etc., He can help us change!


➤ Moroni exposes his vulnerability (why would he do that?)

➤ Ether 12:23-25, What is he afraid of?

➤ He does three things we often do when we feel inadequate

➤ Blames someone else (in this case, The Lord), compares himself to others, fears the world.

➤ Ether 12:26-27, What is Heavenly Father’s response?

➤ He doesn’t heal his awkward hands. He guides.

➤ If we come, he will show (Why does he say that so plainly? Why not bait and switch?)

➤ ATOT: Going to a personal trainer. I know without question that my weakness will be exposed. Why do I go?

➤ Why does he give us weakness? Why are humility AND faith necessary to change?

➤ ATOT: If I go feeling like the trainer doesn’t know enough, or feeling like my body can’t change, I cannot change.

“Some have mistakenly believed that the Lord gave us weaknesses. He did not. We inherited the weakness that come as part of being mortals who are in a fallen state, and who are susceptible to weaknesses – individual character flaws – that may beset us as a result of our being in this fallen state. We did not have those character flaws as spirits in our pre-mortal state. Identifying the weaknesses that do develop, and working to overcome them, is the way we eventually become like the Savior.

Daniel H. Ludlow, Unlocking the Book of Mormon, 510


➤ Ether 12:28-39, Testimonies of Moroni

➤ Watch for ‘I know’ or ‘I remember’

➤ What stands out to you?

➤ 12:29, he was comforted by the teaching

➤ 12:32, Moroni was homeless, this must have been tender to him

➤ 12:33-34, Love of Christ

➤ 12:35, proper use of talents

➤ 12:37, seeing our weakness makes us strong

➤ 12:39, he saw Jesus Christ. He’s not boasting. He’s testifying

➤ Ether 12:41, What does he ultimately want for us?

➤ Moroni 10:32-33, come unto Christ

“We don’t have to pretend there is no God or desperately try to find reasons why the Church is not true in order to avoid change. We don’t have to seek out others who are struggling so we feel justified, or hate those who aren’t struggling so we can feel better. We don’t have to hate ourselves. We just have to let faith be an anchor for our souls and begin again. How many times? As many times as it takes. We can have true faith because we have a Savior who covers us, a Redeemer who transforms us, and a Good Shepherd who is willing to go in search of us again and again—continuously.

-Brad & Wendee Wilcox, ‘Faith, an Anchor for the Soul’, May 2007, BYU Women’s Conference

CONCLUSION➤ J. Devn Cornish Talk

➤ ’Am I Good Enough? Will I Make It?’ Gen Conf Oct 2016

➤ He cried in the break room about treating a boy with pneumonia. He was comforted by an older resident who saw more than he could.

➤ Elder Jeffrey R. Holland:

➤ “However many chances you think you have missed, however many mistakes you feel you have made … , I testify that you have not traveled beyond the reach of divine love. It is not possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ’s Atonement shines.”