Lighthouse SlideShow


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Your Destiny has brought you

to the website of The LYLT Programand there is every

reason to believe

that this visit of yours

will be very well rewarded.

(LYLT is an acronym for Live Your Life Truly

and rhymes with the word ‘lilt’ , meaning a rhythmic tune)

A word of caution:

The LYLT Programis meant for only those

who are serious and earnest about their careers.

Proceed further only if you are sure

you can be dedicated and diligent.

This presentation lasts about 4 minutes…

Four paradigm-shifting minutes!

Right at the outset, here is a solemn

declaration: If you take up regular

practice of the teachings of

The LYLT Programyou will transform

yourself intoa well-grounded human-

being witha perfect body-mind-

spirit balance…ready to emerge as an

Authentic Leader.

When you take upThe LYLT Program,

you will come to know more about

spirituality at the workplace,

and how it can help you emerge as anAuthentic Leader.Your Inner Self will truly resonate with what you discover


As an ardent disciple of

The LYLT Program, you will gain

first-hand knowledge of how

to pursue both material and spiritual values at the same

time. In fact, your material

success will be much more

satisfying ifyou are grounded in

spiritual values.

If you wish to probe into

the science and art of breath-work

(the modern term for spiritual breathing)and how you can

evolve into a true leader –a sublime human – you can be sure you

will findThe LYLT Programof immense value.

While many feelleadership is an inborn

trait, The LYLT Program

will show you the way to evolve

from deep within yourself

by tapping into the unbounded source

of divine energy placed in you

by the Creator.

In just six months,The LYLT Programcan infuse you with all the ingredients

required to transform you into

a towering personality with

an incisive mind, an unbiased judgment and endless zeal…In other words, an

Authentic Leader !

Authentic LeadershipTemple

Authentic Leadership Temple

Start on your very own spiritual journey and join a select band of business leaders known for their mindfulness and recognized for their subtle omnipresence.

Register now for The LYLT Program without paying a penny.

Download the all-important Meditation module at no cost whatsoever. This is the starting point of The LYLT Program, a 22-week course.

Start on your Meditation sessions and savour the deeply enriching and uplifting experience. . Mentor’s guidance assured! – At no cost!

Confirm your enrollment only after you are totally convinced that with 7-10 days of Meditation under your belt, you experience a never-before calm.