O People ! Come



For All Mankinds

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O People !

Come to the Truth Path !!

Presented by

Aquif Ahmed

If you are Educated, Talented, And having Good character, than you must read it.

These are the verses of a Book and of a Bright Quran.The infidels would desire ardently that they had been Muslims.

(Holly Quran, S-Hijr,1-2)

It is He who sent down water from the heaven, there is drink there form for you, and from which are trees by which you pasture.

With this water He causes to grow for you crops and olives and dates and grapes and fruits of every kind, No doubt. In it there is sign for a people who ponder.

And He has made subservient for you the night and the day and the sun and the moon, And the stars are subservient by His command. No doubt. In it there are signs for the wise people.

And that which He has created for you of various kinds in the land. No doubt, in it there is sign for a people who remember.

And it is He who has made the Sea subservient for you, that you eat fresh flesh from it and bring forth from it ornaments which you wear.

And you see boats cleaving through it, and that you seek of His bounty and that haply. You may be grateful to Him.

And He has set up anchors in the earth. Lest it may shake with you and rivers and roads that you may get direction.

And way marks and by the stars they find

the way.

Will then He who creates become like him who creates not???

Do you not then accept admonition???

And if you count the favours of Allah, you would not be able to number them. No doubt, Allah is forgiving, Merciful (Holy Quran, S-Nahl,10-18)

And who so will desire for a religion other than Islam, that shall never be accepted from him and in the next world he shall be among the losers. (Holy Quran, S-Ale Imran,85)

These are the verses of the Book (Quran) and that which has been sent from your Lord is the truth, but most men believe not.(Holy Quran, S-Raad,1)
