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O sister…read so that you will not be fooled

In the name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most MercifulPraise be to Allah, and peace be upon His Prophet Muhammad and his household and companions.

O Muslim girl An evil hand has been extended to you in these days to degrade you from the graces of your dignity, and to drop you from the sky of your glory, and snatch you from the circles of your happiness…cut it off quickly, it is a criminal, unjust and evil hand. A mischievous evil soul has committed itself to get you out of your paradise, to strip you of your dress, curse it; ask Allah's refuge from it. It is a soul that strives for your wretchedness and misery in this world and the Hereafter. O Muslim girl A tremendous mischief is being orchestrated against you, for deform-ing you and tampering with your chastity and your body; return to your Lord, ask Him refuge for none will save you but Allah. O Girl of Islam There is a great grudge aimed towards you, your country, your reli-gion, and the distinctive glory of your forefathers, it is born by the evil ruthless hearts of people who are our fellow citizens, and they have our names and speak in our own tongues. So, O Girl of Islam, hold yourself above them and pray for its survival by being chaste and pure. Beware of enabling the enemy to take hold of yourself by leaving your fort and abandoning your veil, which is the strongest reason of your immunity. Do you know, O sister, what evil hand I have warned you against? It

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is the interesting headlines, the charming articles, the literary words that fill the columns of newspapers, magazines and tel-

evision. It is the words written and repeated by your enemies; the advocates of liberation to mislead and seduce you into abandoning your veil, into quitting your chastity and purity; to become a de-

formity that is useless to either yourself or to your family. O girl, if you know this, you should curse those articles and appeals; do not open your eyes looking at them, do not move your mouth reading them, nor open your ears listening to them. It is the hand of sin that has been extended to murder your happiness, to insult your honor, and to tread over your dignity, in the name of freedom and alleged progress. Do you know what the evil soul that has committed itself for your mis-chief? It is what you hear of words that criticize the veil and challenge its legitimacy, it is the words that underestimate its status and diminish the consequences of leaving and denying it. It is the words that show it as a manifestation of backwardness and that faith is manifested in the hearts, not in covered faces and bosoms and that the adornment to be hidden from a Muslim woman is not in her face or hands. In addition to other false misleading words, all to plant suspicions in your heart towards your faith and modesty, and to shake your chastity and honor, to end your goodness and purity so that eventually you will go out naked, you will satisfy their instincts by looking at your body and your charms which Allah has forbidden to be exposed, and to sati-ate their needs by flirting, and by talking to you without prohibiting veil or modesty. They would turn you into a tool and a snare in the hands of Satan and all his descendants, you will be used in hunting the meek believers to form a corrupt flimsy weak society; a society that has neither aim nor honor, its ultimate purpose is to fulfill desires. Be in-telligent and notice the mischief that is being orchestrated against you; so lengthen your clothes, and wear your legitimate veil, they are your

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strength and your solid shield, after the protection of Allah the Almighty.

Do you know, O girl of Islam, whose eye has envied you because of your modesty and chastity, your veil and immunity? It has left

you perplexed and fascinated: you want the veil because it is com-manded by your Lord, it is the fulfillment of your religion and the way of your righteous ancestors, in the meantime you want to take off the veil because it is the way of the present era, upon which the civilization of the West has been built, and to which the eye of the East is directed. It is the ladder to reach happiness, it is the way to survive in this life, as claimed the slaves of passion and desires. They will not tire trying to adorn unveiling in your eyes, and make you hate and loath the veil, all in the name of science, progress and freedom. One of the impacts of this envious eye is that a number of your Muslim sisters are becoming annoyed and bored by the veil; regretfully, some women began taking it off and dared going out unveiled, thus they are realizing the hopes of those wishing to tamper with them, so O Girl of Islam, observe Allah in your veil, your modesty and faith, and in the purity of your soul. Do not be conceited by the apparent meaning of their words, they are but cunning deceitful liars and hypocrites. Tease them by lending them deaf ears, and insult them by ignoring them, and grieve them by committing to your modesty and veil, and by staying at your home, they want but your honor and chastity. I am addressing your faith And now, O girl of Islam, allow me to address your faith, you might remember.Do you not believe in Allah and His Messenger, peace be upon him? Are you not hoping for Allah and the Hereafter? Do you not believe in the prohibitions of Allah and His Messenger, peace be upon him?

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If you say yes, and I think you will not say but that, so then know that your faith in Allah and His Messenger, peace be upon

him, obligates your obedience to them, and your hope for Allah and the Hereafter makes you work for them, and your prohibiting what Allah and His Messenger, peace be upon him, have prohib-

ited strongly obliges you to prohibit in word and in deed, what they have prohibited. If you know this, then you must know that Allah and His Messenger, peace be upon him, have totally forbidden wanton display and unveil-ing as they have totally forbidden immorality and debauchery, and that Allah and His Messenger, peace be upon him, have ordered the believ-ing women to lower their gaze, and to protect their private parts, and that Allah forbids the believing women from showing off their adorn-ment, and He has enjoined them to draw their veils all over Juyubih-inna, Allah all mighty says:“..and to wrap [a portion of] their headcovers over their chests and not expose their adornment except to their husbands..” [An-Nur 24: 31]

}وليضربن بمرهن على جيوبن ول يب�دين زينتبهن إل ل�بعولتهن{ النور: 31 Transliteration: wala yubdeena zeenatahunna illa ma thahara minha walyadribna bikhumurihinna AAala juyoobihinna wala yubdeena zee-natahunna illa libuAAoolatihinna Well now Girl of Islam, would you be pleased with what Allah has been pleased for you? Would you thank and praise Him, the Exalted, because He graced you with the gifts of Islam and guidance; by pre-serving your veil and modesty, and by your obedience to your Lord? Would you ride roughshod over every call to unveiling by the alleged name of liberalization? Would you mock and scorn its advocates and declare your hatred for them? They wanted to slaughter your honor and waste your dignity, they wanted to contaminate your purity, and eliminate your religion?!

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Or would you loath what pleases Allah, and hate what He likes, and deny His guidance, and not thank Him for His grace

and run behind the deceptive mirage of happiness, which has been used by the advocates of unveiling to deceive and mislead you? They have, regretfully, persuaded many of your Muslim sis-

ters in many Muslim countries that the happiness of women is only complete by unveiling and by participating with men in all fields of life, so as to be where men are, and to sum up: she be a man; as a man is in every aspect, even in wearing trousers, and uncovering the head, and styling her hair, and by only this happiness of women is complete, her people prevail and her country glorify, and by such words they have convinced her! Now they see and believe that the rise and honor, the happiness and progress of the country and of the nation are dependent on the unveil-ing of women, so that she should give up the veil and its requirements of faith, modesty, purity and serenity. Some gullible women of weak faith and knowledge were deceived by those fine false words; Muslim girls in many Muslim countries rebelled against the hijab and tried to get rid of it; and the vast majority did! Actually women faces have been exposed, nothing to hide them from men, then the hand of freedom extended to the veil that was covering women's hair; for the first time the head of the Muslim woman ap-peared exposed with nothing covering it to conceal it from the public eye, thus modesty in women was paralyzed; it is no longer capable of preventing her from talking to men, and shaking hands with them and even laughing with any men she wants; thus the Muslim woman so vividly and clearly, just as the slaves of passion and desires had wanted for her, gave up her hijab. As an inevitable result of that unveiling, that took her to the early days of ignorance, theaters, cinemas, swimming pools, beaches and clubs in

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many Muslim countries became crowded with women. The nation has been overwhelmed with wickedness and corruption,

the Muslim community has deformed, it is not today like it was yesterday whether in what is apparent or what is hidden. Women have lost those who were waving with the happiness of liberaliza-

tion and progress, she has not only lost her happiness, but has lost her entire existence as a woman of value in society, with her, so many men had also lost their manliness and their enthusiasm; and they do not mind exposing their unveiled wives to men and others. Finally This is the terrible slope that the Muslim women in many countries of Islam had slid into, and this is the black destiny that has befallen them, O girl of Islam, would you accept such a destiny for yourself and listen to your deceivers as they encourage you to slide into this dangerous slope? All that they ask is not more than uncovering your face, but they know for a fact that the day you will uncover your face and when your modesty vanishes, you will uncover your hair, bosom, then your legs and thighs, as has happened to many other women who have been de-ceived in many Muslim countries. Today wearing your full legitimate hijab, you enjoy the full respect of your community, your parents and all those who are close to you, however, tomorrow when you give it up you will be despised by eve-ryone, and today you feel your honor and dignity, but tomorrow when you deny the veil you will inevitably miss what you are feeling today of the dignity and glory of faith. My advice for you Meet every invitation to leave the veil and to uncover your face with contempt and despise, and accept what Allah has been pleased with

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for the Mothers of the Believers; to stay home and abandon displaying yourself as the early days of ignorance when he said

to them: “And stay in your houses, and do not display yourselves like that of the times of ignorance,” [Al-Ahzab 33: 33]

}و�برن ف ببيو�كن ول �ب�برجن �ب�برج الاهلية األول{األحزاب 33 Transliteration: Waqarna fee buyootikunna wala tabarrajna tabarruja aljahiliyyati aloola Merit the life of modesty to the life of exposure and adornments, and realize that the most beautiful thing in a girl is her modesty, and mod-esty is inseparable from the veil, if you leave the veil you will lose your modesty, if you lose modesty you will lose all the beauty and without which you become a Demon in a woman's dress. My advice to other women who have been deceived by the advoca-tion of the enemies of Islam and the enemies of chastity and modesty, and who plunged into a swamp of wanton display unveiling their faces and charms and losing their modesty, my advice for them is to wake up from their lethargy and repent to their Lord, and to cover what Allah has enjoined upon them to be covered, that if they are really Muslims. The first thing to cover is her face, which is the place where the beauty of a woman and all her charms is displaced, and which is the cause of all enchantment, and to know that civilization and progress are not realized by exposing the face and displaying the charms, as goods are displayed to every one coming or going .. Nevertheless, this is falling into the deep bottom, and they must know that all the alleged liberalization calls are but a call to liberate them from morals and ethics, to deprive Muslim women of their ideals and princi-ples and high values, to trick them into falling in evil and corruption to turn them into a center of attraction to mad lustrous looks. They must

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remember death and its stupor, the grave and its darkness, the Gathering and its horrors, and hellfire and its iron collars and

chains, and remember that tomorrow, they will stand in Allah's hands; what will be their argument and what would they answer their Lord and Creator when asked about their actions which are

contradictory to their Islam and faith in Allah and the Last Day. This is what I wanted to whisper in the ear of every Muslim woman and I did, whoever preserve it, all is well and good, and whoever misses it, will be punished for her doing “And your Lord is not at all unjust to (His) slaves.” [Fussilat 41: 46]

م للع�يد{ فصلت 46 }وما ربك بظل Transliteration: wama rabbuka bithallamin lilAAabeedi And “And Allâh is not unaware of what you do.” [Al Baqarah 2: 85]

}وما اللبه بغافل عما �بعملون{ ال�قرة 85 Transliteration: wama Allahu bighafilin AAamma taAAmaloona May Allah help everyone to accept what He loves. And blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his household and com-panions. By: Sheikh Abu Bakr Al-Jaza'iry Translated by Wathaker.net website
