Pc session 3 2010




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  • 1. Pastoral Counseling Session 3

2. Overcoming the Dark Side of Leadership- The Paradox of Personal Dysfunction (chap. 1) By Gary L. McIntosh & Samuel D. Rima Pause and Reflect 3. The Dark Side (Quotes)

  • It is the inner urges, compulsions, and dysfunctions of our personality that often go unexamined or remain unknown to us until we experience until we experience an emotional explosion (p. 22)

4. The Dark Side (Quotes)

  • This denial and repression along with the resulting emotional explosion are particularly common among religious leaders who feel the constant need to be in total control of their lives so they can effectively minister to others. (p. 23)

5. The Dark Side (Quotes)

  • The Dark Side is a normal development of life and can be an agent for both good and bad in our lives. (p. 29)

6. Understanding The Ministry

  • The 5 Ps of a Counselor
  • The role of a PROPHET
  • The role of a PRESENCE
  • The role of a PARTNER
  • The role of a PRIEST
  • The role of a PATH Blazer

7. Prophet

  • Foretelling(future) VS. Forthtelling(present)
  • Some scholars suggest that the term prophet stressed the objective or active work of Gods spokesman
  • http://www.christiancourier.com/articles/35-principles-of-bible-prophecy

8. Prophet

  • Foretellingversus Forthtelling
  • Some scholars suggest that the term prophet stressed the objective or active work of Gods spokesman
  • http://www.christiancourier.com/articles/35-principles-of-bible-prophecy

We are to pointpeople back to God! 9. Presence

  • John 14:16 - "I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper

Gr. Paraklesis, which means to come along side to encourage a helper Incarnational Ministry 10. Partner

  • Gal. 6:2 Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

11. Priest

  • To bring the needs of people before God and to offerHOPE

12. Path Blazer

  • To help people discover God in their situation, difficulty, and themselves.

13. Definition

  • Pastoral Counseling is the ministry God has entrusted to His under shepherds by ASSISTING people go through pressures in life, HELPING them rise up when people are done and out, SUPPORTING them adjust in the changes of their seasons, GUIDING them discern Gods will for their lives, and also to BOOST their desire for growth and productivity. This will be pursued in the knowledge that God wants his people to live life to fullest because that is the very will ofGod. H. Cruz

14. 5 Key Words


15. Guiding People Their Seasons 16. Sharing Time:

  • After reading the chapter on Overcoming the Dark Side of Leadership, what have you learned personally and how does it apply to your life today?

17. I. In This Kingdom 18. A. 2 Agendas

  • John 10:10
  • The thief comes tosteal , tokill , and todestroy , but I came that you might havelifeand have it more abundantly.


  • Ephesians 6:12
  • For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against rulers, against authorities, against powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

B. 2 Kingdoms 20. C. Complications

  • Do notconformany longer to the pattern of this world, betransformedby the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what Gods will is his good pleasing and perfect will.

21. D. Inside out

  • The change happens from inside out through the Renewing of the mind

22. E. Theshape of many minds

  • Many minds have been shaped by negative upbringing, lifes traumas, dysfunctional families, inadequate parenting, and also our fallen human race.
  • TRUMA The Pain That Stays Roberts Hicks (Introduction page 5)

23. F. The dark Side

  • Sin
  • Dysfunctional Background
  • Dark side Develops
  • Fertile Ground
  • Explosion

24. Sin

  • I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.Romans 7:15

Inclination to SIN 25. Dysfunctional Background

  • Poor Parenting
  • Abuses
  • Crisis
  • Traumas
  • Poor choices

26. Dark Side Develops

  • Coping Mechanism
  • Dark Shadow
  • Persona
  • Split Personality
  • Addictions

27. Fertile Ground

  • Stress
  • Place of power or influence
  • Marital problem
  • Strong temptation
  • No accountability

28. Explosion

  • When you least expect it, when you are least prepared it happens.

Often it happens when we are at our peak 29. Rev. Ted Haggard

  • In November 2006, prostitute and masseur Mike Jones alleged that Haggard had paid Jones to engage in sex with him for three years and had also purchased and used crystal methamphetamine .

30. Rev. Ted Haggard

  • In November 2006, prostitute and masseur Mike Jones alleged that Haggard had paid Jones to engage in sex with him for three years and had also purchased and used crystal methamphetamine .

"Had given into his dark side" 31. Rev. Jimmy Swaggart

  • Jimmy Lee Swaggart a Pastor and televangelist who was involved in a high-profile 1988 sex scandal. His 1980s' telecast was transmitted to over 3,000 stations and cable systems each week.
  • (1988 a nd 1991 scandals)

32. Rev. Jim Baker

  • James Orsen "Jim" Bakkeris an American televangelist, a former Assemblies of God minister, and a former host of The PTL Club, a popular evangelical Christiantelevision program. A sex scandal led to his resignation from the ministry.

33. Rev. Jim Baker

  • James Orsen "Jim" Bakkeris an American televangelist, a former Assemblies of God minister, and a former host of The PTL Club, a popular evangelical Christiantelevision program. A sex scandal led to his resignation from the ministry.

My dream became bigger and bigger. And the box got bigger than the message, than the Gospel. 34. Senator Larry Craig

  • Larry Edwin Craig is a former Republican politician from the U.S. stateof Idaho. On August 27, 2007, the Capitol Hill newspaper Roll Call revealed that Craig had been arrested for lewd conduct in the men's restroom.

35. President Nixon

  • The scandal ultimately led to the resignation of the United States President Richard Nixon on August 9, 1974, the first and so far only resignation of any U.S President.

36. President Nixon

  • The scandal ultimately led to the resignation of the United States President Richard Nixon on August 9, 1974, the first and so far only resignation of any U.S President.

I can see clearly now... that I was wrong in not acting more decisively and more forthrightly in dealing with Watergate... 37. Kris Aquino

  • Kristina Bernadette Cojuangco Aquino-Yapis a Filipino television and movie personality who gained prominence from her talk shows, game shows, and numerous endorsements. She is the youngest daughter of former Philippine senator Benigno Aquino, Jr.

38. Kris Aquino

  • Kristina Bernadette Cojuangco Aquino-Yapis a Filipino television and movie personality who gained prominence from her talk shows, game shows, and numerous endorsements. She is the youngest daughter of former Philippine senator Benigno Aquino, Jr.

"controlling and domineering" 39. US Teachers involved in scandal 40. Whos next? 41. For your own sake and the people around you, do not add your name to the list please! 42. The Dark Side of Leadership

  • When a leader commits adultery, embezzles money from the church, or gets caught exposing himself, the most frequent explanation among the ranks of the faithful is "Boy, the devil sure is working overtime," with little attention given to the realities of human dysfunction. (p. 155)

43. The following we are to watch out for PRIDE, SELFISHNESS, SELF-DECEIT AND WRONG MOTIVES because if it is present in the life of a leader, it becomes a sure recipe for disaster. 44. 5 different types of unhealthy leadership patterns 45. 1. Compulsive Leader

  • Rigid, stifles creativity, self-righteous, legalistic, workaholic, emotional explosion, very controlling

46. 2. Narcissistic Leader

  • Attention seeker, utilitarian, appetite for bigger achievements, can leadto unethical and illegal behavior

47. 3. Paranoid Leader

  • State of denial, distrust of people around him/her, cannot be intimate with others

48. 4. Codependent Leader

  • Addiction to make others happy even at the price of ignoring the needs of his own family, . Burnout, divorce, adulterous affairs, and physical illness is common

49. 5. Passive-Aggressive Leader

  • Out of control outburst, erratic and strange behavior, confuse whyhe/she is not liked by others

50. Conclusion: Possible Responses

  • Deny


  • Repress


  • Accept


  • Accept and Redeem

54. Jesus and His Intent for Us

  • Very few of them are living a joyful life Christian life because their emotion are not connected to the truth about who God is. The inability to connect emotions to the truth is one of the most tragic circumstances facing the church today
  • David Eckman Becoming Who God Intended

55. Reflect:

  • In the five different types of unhealthy leadership patterns that were presented, which one do I have to personally watch out for and why so?

56. Reminders

  • Submit you reflection paper
  • Read the handout
  • The estimated contribution for the handouts is 80 Pesos
  • Check www.slideshare.net Grace4Families

57. Our Intention

  • To be WITH Him
  • To be LIKE Him
  • To live life FOR Him

58. II. The Kingdom of God

  • B. The Counselor and the KOG
  • 1. Image and likeness of God vs. Tao lang ako
  • 2. Gods perspective of us vs. Our distorted beliefs about us
  • Who we really are vs. Who we want to be