Peace on Earth




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Peace on Earth

There are times when the world seems so full of darkness and chaos, that peace on earth seems like an elusive dream that will never be attained.

• test1

And yet there are times when the light shines through just enough to give us hope.

A ray of hope that someday all mankind will live in peace.

What if that hope began to grow and grow, so much so, that the light became stronger and stronger?

• test3What if we truly believed that peace on earth could be a reality in our lifetime, no matter how much fighting and hatred we saw around us?

What if we allowed the light within each and every one of us to shine a bit brighter, more and more each day?

• Test5

What if we nurtured the light within our hearts and began to bring peace into our own world?

What if we allowed a love for all mankind to be directed at all those we come in contact with?

• Test5

What if we stopped focusing on the darkness and chaos all around us and began to focus instead on the light and love that is deep within us all?

Is it possible that as we shine our love and light on those around us, we will begin to see less darkness and chaos in the world?

Is it possible that we, in our own small way, can make a difference and bring to our world something that has been elusive for so long?

Can this be the decade that makes the difference in the history of mankind - where peace on earth will finally become a reality?

I believe it can, if each and every one of us allows our inner love and light to shine brightly on all those around us.

Be in peace,Be in love,Be in light as often as you can.

And you will see that peace, love and light will begin to spread throughout our world exponentially.

Before you know it the darkness and chaos will be replaced by love and light, and finally peace on earth will be a reality at last. 

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“What the World Needs Now”

By Gail Blanco

Lyrics by Burt Bacharach

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Words and photos

By Jeffrey Eisen

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The End or

Is It Just the Beginning
