Tazkiyah-Purification of the Soul (adapted from Dr. Mohammad Yunus)



Details of the importance of Tazkiyah and how to implement it individually and collectively

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TAZKIYAHTAZKIYAHPurification of the SoulPurification of the Soul


By: Saadia Z. YunusBy: Saadia Z. Yunus


SURAH ALE IMRAN:164 SURAH ALE IMRAN:164 Indeed Allah has favored Indeed Allah has favored the believers when He the believers when He sent the unlettered sent the unlettered messenger from amongst messenger from amongst themselves to recite to themselves to recite to them His verses, to them His verses, to sanctifysanctify themthem and to and to instruct them in scripture instruct them in scripture and wisdom and they and wisdom and they were before that in were before that in manifest error.manifest error.


SHAMS 91: 9-10 SHAMS 91: 9-10 Truly he succeeds that purifies it and Truly he succeeds that purifies it and

he fails who corrupts it. he fails who corrupts it. ا اه� د�س� م�ن اب� خ� د� و�ق� ا ك�اه� ز� م�ن ل�ح� أ�ف� د� ا ق� اه� د�س� م�ن اب� خ� د� و�ق� ا ك�اه� ز� م�ن ل�ح� أ�ف� د� ق�

‘‘ALA 87:14 ALA 87:14 Truly he succeeds who purifies it Truly he succeeds who purifies it

ك�ى ت�ز� م�ن ل�ح� أ�ف� د� ك�ى ق� ت�ز� م�ن ل�ح� أ�ف� د� ق�


SHUARA 26:88-89 (That day SHUARA 26:88-89 (That day no money or sons will benefit no money or sons will benefit except the one who came except the one who came with a sound/righteous heart with a sound/righteous heart

� �يم ل س� �ق�لب� � ب �يم ل س� �ق�لب� ( (ب

HAJJ 22:46 (Truly it is not the HAJJ 22:46 (Truly it is not the eyes that turn blind; it is the eyes that turn blind; it is the heart in the chest that turns heart in the chest that turns blind)blind)

We will be asked about our hearts..We will be asked about our hearts..

““The state of our hearts is the only thing that The state of our hearts is the only thing that may benefit us…may benefit us…

““Actions are by intentions" as the Actions are by intentions" as the hadithhadith states… states…

What we are actually being asked about is What we are actually being asked about is the human heart” the human heart”

-Alchemy of the Heart: Shaykh Muhammad Maulud; Translated by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf -Alchemy of the Heart: Shaykh Muhammad Maulud; Translated by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf


(9:111) BEHOLD, God has bought of the (9:111) BEHOLD, God has bought of the believers believers their lives and their their lives and their possessionspossessions, promising them paradise in , promising them paradise in return, ,[and so] they… return, ,[and so] they…

(Theme: ways to purification)(Theme: ways to purification) 1. fight in God's cause, and slay, and are 1. fight in God's cause, and slay, and are

slain…slain… Strive in the way of Allah Strive in the way of Allah

More ways…More ways… 2. [It is a triumph of] those who turn [unto 2. [It is a triumph of] those who turn [unto

God] in repentance [whenever they have God] in repentance [whenever they have sinned] sinned] ون�� �ب �ائ �ون�الت �ب �ائ الت 4 R’s: Regret, Repent, Resolve, Reform4 R’s: Regret, Repent, Resolve, Reform

3. and who worship and praise [Him] 3. and who worship and praise [Him] ح�ام�د�ون� ال �د�ون� ع�اب ح�ام�د�ون� ال ال �د�ون� ع�اب ال

Includes Salah and Dhikr: Remembrance of Includes Salah and Dhikr: Remembrance of Allah Allah

Even more ways…Even more ways… 4. and go on and on [seeking His goodly 4. and go on and on [seeking His goodly

acceptance] acceptance] ح�ون�� ائ �ح�ون�الس� ائ الس� Marching forwardMarching forward

5. and bow down [before Him] and 5. and bow down [before Him] and prostrate themselves in adoration prostrate themselves in adoration ع�ون�� اك �ع�ون� الر� اك الر�اج�دون� اج�دون�الس� الس� Salah and obedience of Allah (swt) Salah and obedience of Allah (swt)

Still more…Still more… 6. and enjoin the doing of what is right and 6. and enjoin the doing of what is right and

forbid the doing of what is wrong forbid the doing of what is wrong ون� ون� اآلم�ر� اآلم�ر��ر� م�نك ال ع�ن� �اه�ون� و�الن وف� م�عر� �ال �ر� ب م�نك ال ع�ن� �اه�ون� و�الن وف� م�عر� �ال ب

Cleansing societyCleansing society

7. and keep to the bounds set by God. 7. and keep to the bounds set by God. )ه� الل �ح�د�ود� ل ح�اف�ظ�ون� )ه� و�ال الل �ح�د�ود� ل ح�اف�ظ�ون� و�ال

Obeying Allah (swt) Obeying Allah (swt)

The Result is…The Result is…

And give thou [O Prophet] the glad tiding And give thou [O Prophet] the glad tiding [of God's promise] to all believers [of God's promise] to all believers

ر� ب�ش� ر� و� ب�ش� و�ن�ين� ؤ�م� ن�ين�ال�م ؤ�م� ال�م

TAZKIYAH of the NAFSTAZKIYAH of the NAFS Two aspects:Two aspects:

1-Cleansing of the heart, actions, and 1-Cleansing of the heart, actions, and moralsmorals

2-Enhancement of virtues and excelling in 2-Enhancement of virtues and excelling in moral valuesmoral values

Parts of the body that influence our Parts of the body that influence our heartheart


Ghaflah (Neglect and forgetfulness)Ghaflah (Neglect and forgetfulness) Submission to one’s Nafs or passionsSubmission to one’s Nafs or passions Shaytaan’s attacks and evil designsShaytaan’s attacks and evil designs Evil environment and companyEvil environment and company Kibr (Arrogance)Kibr (Arrogance) Love of this material worldLove of this material world DespairDespair““The heart needs nourishment, and heedlessness The heart needs nourishment, and heedlessness

starves the spiritual heart…” starves the spiritual heart…” -Alchemy of the Heart: Shaykh Muhammad Maulud; Translated by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf -Alchemy of the Heart: Shaykh Muhammad Maulud; Translated by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

Three Levels of Work:Three Levels of Work: 1. 1. IndividualIndividual 2. 2. FamilialFamilial: Family is nucleus of society: Family is nucleus of society

Observe Islamic rights and dutiesObserve Islamic rights and duties Raising righteous childrenRaising righteous children ““If we…work on our hearts, and actually implement what If we…work on our hearts, and actually implement what

we learn from it, we will begin to see changes in our we learn from it, we will begin to see changes in our lives, around us, and within our own family dynamics”lives, around us, and within our own family dynamics”--

Alchemy of the Heart: Shaykh Muhammad Maulud; Translated by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf Alchemy of the Heart: Shaykh Muhammad Maulud; Translated by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

3. 3. CommunalCommunal: Islamic Jama’ah: Islamic Jama’ah Da’wah ilallahDa’wah ilallah Organize those who accept the call into the JamaahOrganize those who accept the call into the Jamaah Tarbiyah and Tazkiyah of those who join the Jama’ahTarbiyah and Tazkiyah of those who join the Jama’ah Social servicesSocial services

Methodology of Cleansing the Methodology of Cleansing the HeartHeart

Continuous effort to acquire Islamic knowledgeContinuous effort to acquire Islamic knowledge Knowledge of this land, its people, problems and Knowledge of this land, its people, problems and

Islamic solutionsIslamic solutions Become a model of Islam in words and actionsBecome a model of Islam in words and actions Develop skills for being effective Da’eesDevelop skills for being effective Da’ees Insight and being a part of Islamic Jama’ahInsight and being a part of Islamic Jama’ah Commitment and sacrificeCommitment and sacrifice Practice MuhasibahPractice Muhasibah

Methodology of Cleansing of the Methodology of Cleansing of the Heart Heart cont’dcont’d

Refraining from sin (Raan on the heart)Refraining from sin (Raan on the heart) Self-discipline/SabrSelf-discipline/Sabr Strive for high moral character: truthful, Strive for high moral character: truthful,

humble, keep promises, generous, humble, keep promises, generous, forgiving, helpfulforgiving, helpful

Increase love of Allah and His Rasul (s)Increase love of Allah and His Rasul (s) Dhikr and Ibadah: SalahDhikr and Ibadah: Salah Sisterhood and righteous companySisterhood and righteous company Taubah: 4 R’sTaubah: 4 R’s

Last but not Least…Last but not Least…

Infaq in the way of Allah:Infaq in the way of Allah:

"Be charitable, even by giving (something as "Be charitable, even by giving (something as small as) a date, for it provides for a hungry small as) a date, for it provides for a hungry person, and wipes away a sin like water puts person, and wipes away a sin like water puts

out a fire“ -Bukhari out a fire“ -Bukhari


“…“…And who could be more faithful to And who could be more faithful to his covenant than God? Rejoice, his covenant than God? Rejoice,

then, in the bargain which you have then, in the bargain which you have made with Him: for this, this is the made with Him: for this, this is the triumph supreme!” (Taubah: 109)triumph supreme!” (Taubah: 109)


Yaa Muqalibul Quloob, thabit quloobana Yaa Muqalibul Quloob, thabit quloobana ‘ala deenik‘ala deenik

Oh Turner of the Hearts, make our hearts Oh Turner of the Hearts, make our hearts firm on Your Deen. firm on Your Deen.
