Teasing or Bullying?


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One day a boy and a girl had lots of fun at church. They and all their friends got to stay at church overnight, eat pizza, play games, and many other things. They had so much fun that they did not go to sleep that night, but stayed up all night long! In the morning before their parents/caregivers came to pick them up, the girl looked at the boy and said, “You are tired.” The boy replied, “I am not tired.” The girl said, “Yes you are, you are tired.” Again the boy said he was not. The girl started teasing the boy, singing, “You are tired, you are tired,” over and over again. The boy kept insisting that he was not tired and he got madder and madder. The madder the boy got the more the girl kept teasing him. Soon the boy and girl were face to face with her doing the teasing and him getting mad. Just then a teacher entered the room, saw what was going on, and told them both to stop. The girl left the room laughing and the boy sat on the floor looking angry and wrote something in a notebook. The teacher left the room and that was the end of that.


1. What was the girl doing to the boy? 2. Was she just teasing him or being a bully? 3. What is the difference between just teasing and being a bully? 4. What do you think the girl was trying to do when she did that to the boy? 5. What do you think the girl was thinking when she went away laughing?

6. What do you think the boy was thinking when the girl did that? 7. What do you think the boy was writing about in his notebook? 8. Should the teacher have done something besides what she did do? What?

9. What are some things people do that is considered bullying?

10. What makes people bully other people?

11. Describe an incident when you were bullied or someone you know was bullied.

12. What should you do if someone is bullying you?

13. Was Jesus every bullied?

14. What did Jesus do when he was bullied? 15. What do your parents/caregivers say to do when you are bullied? 16. Have you ever bullied someone? What did you do? What did you hope would

happen when you bullied them?
