Transpersonal Psychology 2015


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Transpersonal Psychology Seminar 2015“If I’m one, You are with God”

Jorge A. Mascareño M.

4/4/2015Exclusive use : Jorge Armando Mascareño M./ Facebook/Grupo Psicologia Transpersonal

Light behaves as a particle and also as Onda. Currently it is considered that the duality wave -particle is a "concept of quantum mechanics by which there is no fundamental difference between particles and waves: the particles can behave as waves and vice versa." (Stephen Hawking, 2001)

If we move the beam to through of a prism we could see the different colors that light is composed.

Every color has different frequencies

4/4/2015Exclusive use : Jorge Armando Mascareño M./ Facebook/Grupo Psicologia Transpersonal

Duality of light?

The Alpha State – Why Is It Essential to Psychic Development?There are four types of brain wave that can occur while you’re

thinking, sleeping, dreaming, concentrating and doing what you do those brain waves are called beta, alpha,theta and delta. 14 > 7 ALPHA Light Sleep / Dreams / Meditation / Daydreams/

Creative Visualization / Connection to the subconscious.

4/4/2015Exclusive use : Jorge Armando Mascareño M./ Facebook/Grupo Psicologia Transpersonal

What’s the state Alpha?

the force of gravity is an inertial force, we must first of all understand the other inertial forces existing in nature and, moreover, briefly examine what causes these forces, namely the two mechanical fundamental properties of mass; because the entire problem of space travel is based on these issues.

Newton's law of universal gravitation states that any two bodies in the universe attract each other with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. This is a general physical law derived from empirical observations by what Isaac Newton called induction.

4/4/2015Exclusive use : Jorge Armando Mascareño M./ Facebook/Grupo Psicologia Transpersonal

The Power of Gravity Issac Newton

The movements of the pendulum are right through reflections of each person.

These reflections are called "Ideo-reflections".

The idea of the person generates a reflection that reaches the finger movements.

Other movement, but very difficult of the mind is called: telekinesis consisting of moving objects by an action at a distance without the intervention of any known physical environment

4/4/2015Exclusive use : Jorge Armando Mascareño M./ Facebook/Grupo Psicologia Transpersonal

Use of Pendulum

In literature, an archetype is a typical character, an action or a situation that seems to represent such universal patterns of human nature.

We have several types of Archetypes:

Personals ( Personal & Collective unconscious)

Atavistic ( Give for divinity).

Spiritual ( Transpersonal).

Carl Jung, Swiss psychologist, argued that the root of an archetype is in the “collective unconscious” of mankind. The phrase “collective unconscious” refers to experiences shared by a race or culture. This includes love, religion, death, birth, life, struggle, survival etc. These experiences exist in the subconscious of every individual and are recreated in literary works or in other forms of art.

4/4/2015Exclusive use : Jorge Armando Mascareño M./ Facebook/Grupo Psicologia Transpersonal


Transpersonal Psychology Seminar. Universidad/ Mexicali/ 2015.

4/4/2015Exclusive use : Jorge Armando Mascareño M./ Facebook/Grupo Psicologia Transpersonal

