Types Of Christians



Talks about the different types of Christians as described by Mark 4:1-8-Fixed spelling on slide --- If you need a prayer or just someone to talk to then post a prayer request at http://prayerzone.co.cc

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Types of Christians Talks about Mark 4:1-8

Quick Overview

• The full story is in notes tab.• It starts out with a farmer was out sowing his seed.

Some seeds fell on the path and birds came and ate it. Some fell on places that did not have much soil. They grew up quickly since the soil was shallow ,but since they had no root they were scorched when the sun came up . The next ones fell among thrones that grew up ,but choked the plants so they did not bear grain. Some fell on good soil and grew up to produce a crop multiplying thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times.

1st Type of Christian

• “some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up”

• This line represents the people who hear the truth ,but does not react on it. Satan comes and takes it away as fast as they hear it. A good example is when you hear the word and you think about it for 10 seconds and move on and never think about it again.

2st Type of Christian• “Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly,

because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root.”

• This line represents the people who immediately hear the word and love it ,but since they have root or foundation they only last a while till they give up. They give up cause someone mocks or challenges their faith or they just have troubles.

• A good example is you find a project or something you love and want to learn. When you try to rush into it without learning how to do it, you just give up and quit. You quit before you get the basic skills and foundation to build upon. Another good example is when you get into trouble or when someone makes fun of you or your work you stop doing it cause you don’t want to be judge or work through it.

3rd Type of Christian

• “Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants, so that they did not bear grain.”

• This line represents the people who hear the word ,but cause of life’s problems, deceitfulness of wealth and other desires distract us. Since it distracts us it pushes out the word. It makes us not think, study, go to church or even pray. It removes the ability to grow and connect to God. So you never get the full blessing of the Truth.

4rd Type of Christian

• “Others, like seed sown on good soil, hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop—thirty, sixty or even a hundred times what was sown.”

• This line represents the people who hear and accept the word. They pray, worship, obey commandments, and grow. They grow in the faith and get the true message of the Truth. They feel the love of God and they go out and share and spread their love.

Final Thoughts• I was reading the Gospel of Luke and as I was reading this I knew I

wanted to write about it. Most people think that there is only one type of Christian that we do not have issues. I have a couple of non-Christian friends who look at me and think just cause I offer to help all the time and look happy I have no issues. They see that and they try Christ just to try to feel like I do. They realize that it is harder then it looks and just cause it looks like I have no issues does not make it true. They are good example of the 2nd type of Christians. They hear the word ,but they don’t want to grow. As soon as they figured out it does not just automatically remove all your problems they gave up. So all I can say if your new to the faith or even been a believer for years just keep studying, praying and hang out with other Christians to help remind and build your strength.
