Uncle bugs slides for Incovar 2016


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All rights reserved © Uncle Bugs Creations Sdn Bhd 2014

8th July 2016


Kamma : Past, Present and FutureBy Uncle Bugs

Law of Kamma

Looking for happiness?

me Me ME

Me Me


Aisha Choudhary : Finding Happiness

• Click on the link to watch video

• http://buddhistbugs.blogspot.com/2016/06/aisha-choudhary-finding-happiness.html

Bad Bader Badest

What’s going on?

• What is the purpose of life?• Where did I come from?• Where will I go to when I die?• Why can’t I be happy all the

time?• Friend has a better GF than

mine. @#$!*&?!• Why some people so thick

skin?• Why I get hungry?• Why exam exam exam?• Why people chop head?• Thieves every where!• Why am I born?

• Why people call us names?• Why must work whole life long?• Why money is always not enough?• Why Malaysia lost to UAE 10-0?

Sentiasa confused…#*&^!@?

Why do I feel happy now and next moment I’m not?

Decision Decision Decision

Which way to take?



Go forward and see got longkang or not?

Back track…

Ask GOD..!!!

Ask “tang Ki”“Thiu Chiam”Check with Sifu

Call Lilian TooCari bomoh

Report Police

Ask your mother Ask MCA - Liow Ask Dr M

Wear lucky charm

Check your zodiac

Change car plate number

Ups and Down in Life

….. As you thought you can complete

the game, you are bitten by the snake

Information Over Load

There are so many things in life. So which is correct?

Information Over Load

What happen when you are fed with too much information?

You are thrown off balance!!! You are DISTRACTED

What to do?

People are lostThey have no idea what’s going on

People are confused and does not know what are they here for

Back to BASIC

Re- alignment

What are the right things to do?

The Buddha Dhamma

Tipitaka – The Pali Canon




Four Noble Truth

Noble 8 Fold Path

Five Precepts

Pariyati. Learning the Dhamma.

Patipatti. Practicing the Dhamma

Pativedha. Realising the Dhamma

Let’s do some case study.

Let’s have a lively discussion on the next few videos.

Tell us what do you think in each video.

What are your views

Was that right? Or was it wrong?

Watch your emotions….


Angry Teacher

Liar strike by lightning

Lost phone, luggage and wallet

Low Yat brawl

Master Lu

So what did the Buddha say?

Question from Subha

In early Buddhist scriptures, Subha, the son of an eminent Brahmin asks the Buddha why some people are rich while others are poor, why some are long-lived while some are short-lived and so on.

The Buddha responded:

Human beings are owners of their actions, heirs of their actions, they originate from their actions, are bound to their actions, have their actions as their refuge. It is action that distinguishes beings as inferior and superior.

Buddha was a great scientist

He spent 45 years teaching the Dhamma.

And along the way he has told us “the mechanics of how a human being are

put together”

PARTSPARTS of a chariot of a chariotSaid the BuddhaSaid the Buddha

In the Samyutta Nikaya, the Buddha was recorded as saying that just as the word ”chariot” existed on the basis of the various parts put together to form a chariot.

Similary, the concept of ”human being” exists when the five aggregates are bundle into one to form a man

Panca Kandhas

Mind (Nama)


TIP: Suffering is extinguished by relinquishing attachment to aggregates

Human being is made-up of 5 aggregates

1. Rupa - Body forms

2. Vinnana - Consciousness

3. Sanna - Perceptions and cognitions

4. Vedana - Feelings and sensations

5. Sankhara - Mental formation and volition

20122010200920082006200520042005 2007


1. Rupa – Aggregate of matter

TIP: Rupa being the body is the easiest to be identified. Try pinching yourself


2. Vinnana - Consciousness

TIP: Vinnana is a prerequisite for the arising of craving (tanha).

Eyes for sight

Nose for smell

Ears for hearing

Tongue for taste

Body for touch

The mind receives the information and this is where it is processed and respond according to your thoughts

The senses that we experiences goes to our mind where it is send to match with those in our memory bank.

Here, it recalls all the past memories and once the senses matches the past memories, we feet it's real and we recognise.

This feeling of "real" make us function as human being in the conventional world.

But in reality the "real" feeling is only a perception.

Now you see me. Now you don‘t

3. Sanna - Perceptions

Off your first purchase with this promo code: 4. feelings

(typed in at the bottom of the cart)

1.pleasant feelings 2.un-pleasant feelings 3.both pleasant and unpleasant feelings


Sankhara are natural phenomena. They are our "thoughts" developed in our mind. These thoughts appeared and disappeared in our mind as long as we are a human being. This appearing and disappearing of thoughts happens at the speed of nano seconds. It is set in motion from the time we are born till the day we die.

This flow of thoughts is automatic and runs like a non-stop movie in our mind. We can’t prevent it from appearing or disappearing in our mind but we can halt-it temporarily when we need to concentrate on our work.

When we are thinking we are engaging our mind to focus on what we want it to concentrate. Here is where kamma is created. If you have good thoughts, you create good kamma and if have evil thoughts, bad kamma will follow.

5. Sankhara Mental formation

and volition

TIP: if one can understand such nature, then you can understand the working of Anicca

3 Characteristic of a human being

Anicca : Impermanent

Dukkha : Suffering

Anatta : Non-self

The goal of a Buddhist

The purpose of life…

Panna Naranam Ratanam – Wisdom is man’s precious Gem

•The goal of a Buddhist is to cultivate so that he could attainments wisdom, so he could see the truth.

•The Buddha spent many years educating and guiding monastic and lay communities so that people “can see the truth” for themselves.

– Digha Nikaya Sutta no. 11 “kalama sutta”

To educate ourselves, We have to do our

own experiments, trial and error and research

Kalama Sutta

• The Buddha’s chatter of free inquiry

• Ehi passiko (come and see)

• Welcoming careful examination at all stage of path to enlightenment

Like a gold smith, he do a test to see if it

is really gold – The Buddha

Six Methods:Visual Inspection, Bite Test, Magnet Test, Density Test, Ceramic Plate Test, Nitric Acid Test

How do we know what is good for


Kalamas, when you yourselves know: "These things are good; these things are not blameable; these things are praised by the wise; undertaken and observed, these things lead to benefit and happiness," enter on and abide in them.'

1. Do not go upon what has been acquired by repeated hearing,2. nor upon tradition,3. nor upon rumour ,4. nor upon what is in a scripture,5. nor upon surmise,6. nor upon an axiom, (an axiom is a truth without controversy)7. nor upon specious reasoning,8. nor upon a bias towards a notion that has been pondered over,9. nor upon another's seeming ability,10. nor upon the consideration, "The monk is our teacher."

Akusala10 Things you should NOT do1. No killing

2. No stealing

3. Boys cannot see girls naked

4. No telling lies

5. Don’t say bad things about others

6. Don’t speak with anger

7. Don’t waste time talking rubbish

All rights reserved Uncle Bugs Creations 2016

9. Don’t think of evil thoughts

10. Don’t believe in false teaching

8. Don’t be greedy

Kusala10 Things you should do1 Do charity work (dana)

2 Be disciplined at all time

3 Keep a calm mind

4 Respect the elder

5 Work hard and smart

6 Think of others

7 Rejoice in other people’s success.

All rights reserved Uncle Bugs Creations 2016

9 Talk to others about Dhamma

10 Straighten one's view if not right

8 Understand the Dhamma.

Brahma Vihara - 4 Types of LOVE

• These four are attitudes towards other beings.

• They are also favourable relationships.

• Compassion sees into the suffering of beings while sympathetic joy sees into their happiness.

• Metta can be applied to both situations.

• Upekkha is to stay neutral in the face of the 4 pairs of worldly winds

• Metta - Loving kindness

• Karuna - compassion

• Mudita - sympathetic Joy

• Upekkha - Equanimity

Ups and down…

Gained and lost

Praised and blamed

Honored and disgraced

Happiness and sadness

Principle in life : Avoid evil thoughts, do good deeds and purify my mind

4 pairs of worldly winds

4 types of Friends

1 He cares for himself but not for others

2 He cares of others but not for himself

3 He doesn’t care for himself and others

4 He cares for himself and everyone else

The 4th type is the best..!

All rights reserved Uncle Bugs Creations 2016


Dhamma : The perfect GPS for me

The gift of Dhamma excel all gifts

The secret of a successful person

It has to come form your heart

…with the pure intention that you really what to help others

….be like a beautiful flower where the ants, bees, butterflies and birds wants to visits you regularly

Mobile Shower

Driven by karuna (compassion)

• Pls click on the link to watch video

• http://uncle-bugs.blogspot.my/2015/09/shower-unit-at-lorong-hang-lekir-kl.html

Your deed touches people

Buddhist are Happy People

• Avoid wrongdoing,

• Do good and

• Purify the mind,

• This is the teaching of Buddha.

• ~ Dhammapada 183

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Bugs Tan


le B


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