We do not take our energy from the earth, we are a part of the energy of the earth



We can seek renewal and be renewed as we learn to live in and honour the earth

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The creation

of a thousand forests is in one



We Need To Remind

Ourselves Of Something Very

Simple… You Can't Spell Heart

Without All Of Earth.

Today We Want To Remember To Look At Life

Through A Spiritual Lens - Remember

Because Deep Within Us

We Already Know How.

From The Beginning Of

Time We Have Understand And Held As Sacred The Concept Of


Humankind has not woven the web of

life. We are but one thread within it.

Whatever we do to the web, we do to

ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. ~Chief Seattle, 1855

So what does it mean to us?

Obviously one would hope that

we can understand that what we do

matters. But connectedness,

also means renewal.

It means that we can look to the earth to receive our energy – not

just hydro and fossil fuels and

wind and sun but the spiritual

renewal we need each day.

Look outside and see how the earth is

renewing itself. While it looks like it isn’t doing anything – while we think it

has been too cold, or dry – it is suddenly

full of life

Think to yourself if this tree can bring

the bounty of life in the midst of uneven

weather the least you can do .. is

everything on your list. Find the energy

you need for everyday

all around you

We can see the everyday divine if we look at the

life around us through a

spiritual lens.We just need to learn to listen

Climb the mountains and get their good

tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into

trees. The winds will blow their own

freshness into you, and the storms their

energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves. ~John Muir

Within the earth around us is the

very mystery of life itself, means that

we understand that sometimes we

must seek protection, shelter, watch for signs of


Again, this is a gift the world gives to us…for the same is true of all

of our life, in our relationships and

things we give our life to, and everyday

reality, sometimes We must

seek that same shelter, watch for dangers,

weather the storms.

We do not take our energy from

the earth, we are a part of

the energy of the earth.

John Muir wrote: I only went out for a walk and

finally concluded to stay out till

sundown, for going out, I found, was

really going in.

As you live in this world, may you find yourself in the presence of the divine, and know that the

divine is finding its presence

in you.

Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned

and the last fish been caught will

we realise we cannot eat money.

~Cree Proverb
