What is meditation



Mumbai India based Meditation Expert Kumar Krishnamoorthy''s Inner Light Cosmic Meditation is a step-by-step Guide to Meditation. A book born out of his Meditation and experience totally demystifies the ancient wisdom of Meditation and makes it suitable for the multifaceted busy modern man. The book explains without jargon in a simple comprehensible language not only all facets of Meditation but also gives valuable examples to comprehend and remember each nuance. The book is unique since it explains all the energy movements and various signs and symptoms that arise during meditation. It gives tips and methods to overcome opposing circumstances of meditation. Suitable dietary recommendations have also been included to promote comfortable progress in meditation. Last but not the least the book leaves you with the strong possibility of healing and attributes of a healer are also explained in detail.

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What is Meditation Extracts from Expert- Kumar

Krishnamoorthy’s Best Seller Book- The Inner Light Cosmic Meditation


The Final Goal of YOGA.

Is neither Simple nor Complex

happening inside you …………………but you need to be made Aware

MEDITATION is a process of

Activating your INNER - SELF

Activating the CREATIVE COMPONENT in you.

De-activating the EGO which blocks meditation

Becoming WISE in the school of LIFE.

Meditation …….

is beyond Religion and Science.

is ENERGY in its pure form

Meditation takes one into Nothingness or Deep Silence or zero-point energy(ZPE)

Meditation is when you listen to God;Prayer is when you talk to God

You have till now known yourself to be a pure physical body – a collection of sense organs and various internal organs – heart, brain, stomach, intestine, liver, lungs, pancreas etc. ; but…………..

Meditation is a process to feel the PURE COSMIC ENERGY flowing through your body

Meditation helps you to know that there are active energy centers inside you;Which needs cleaning, tuning to receive the correct frequency!

Meditative Energies are

Arrows of Success directed at

Targets of Excellence


Meditation helps to co-ordinate functions of

LEFT and RIGHT brain hemispheres

Pre-requisites to commence Meditation:-



Directly controlled by the LORD.

It is a subjective activity.

It cannot be manipulated by the brain

It encompasses neither the BRAIN nor the BODY but the SOUL.

It is a process of deep-drilling into your inner-self.

MEDITATION is a process wherein you developWINGS OF LOVE …..white wings of love

Meditation is naturally happening in Children.

Unless you become Child- like in your attitude Meditation will not start.

A book that was born during deep state of Meditation through Meditation Guru Kumar Krishnamoorthya step-by-step Guide to Meditation

For Lectures, Workshops & Books contact consultkkumar@gmail.comMobile no: +91 9320018042 INNER LIGHT FOUNDATION, Mumbai, INDIA

Meditation Expert and Author ofThe Inner Light Cosmic Meditationinvites you to read the book and as you read, experience the showers of bliss !
