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Youth leader, Tammi Miller, and sophomores; Brently Probasco and Haley Hegendeffer, are joined in prayer at Antioch Youth Group. Every Wednesday evening Antioch Southern Baptist Church has youth group at six to eight o’clock but these three ladies meet at 5:45 to pray for the youth group.

Bow your heads. Youth Leader Tammi Miller leads a prayer with sophomores Brently Probasco and Haley Hegendeffer before a youth group meeting on Wednesday, April 10th at the Antioch Southern Baptist Church. Miller, Probasco and Hegendeffer make it a habit to meet prior to youth group to pray for the upcoming meeting every week.

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AHHHH the good ol'days....Who didn't enjoy watching cartoons when they were little? My brother Garrett Smith (5) watches his favorite Scooby-Doo movie as he sits atop his bunk bed while eating dinner Monday night. He loves to watch the same DVD over and over again countless times until he has to go to bed...and big brother has to keep restarting it for him. yay.

The good ol’ days. Garrett Smith (5) watches Scooby Doo while eating his dinner in his bedroom on Monday, April 15th. Smith loves watching the same DVD over and over until he has to go to bed.

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LET'S GET CLEANING! On April fifteenth, Dominick Smith was helping his older brother Garrit Smith do the dishes in the kitchen before dinner that night.

Elbow grease. Dominick Smith (age) looks up at his older brother Dominick (not in the photo) while he fills the dishwasher on Monday, April 15th before dinner. (This caption needs a second sentence)

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Time to get creative! Sophomore Hailey Helm works on her Barack Obama bust project in her Ceramics 2 class. "I don't even like Obama. I just like his nose." said Hailey.

Commander in Chief. Sophomore Hailey Helm paints her bust of Barack Obama in her Ceramics II class on (needs a date). (The objective behind the project would be nice). "I don't even like Obama, I just like his nose.” Helm said.

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At last! Finally getting a break from all the cold weather, two year-old Erin is smiling as she rides her princess four wheeler bike down the driveway early Saturday afternoon on April 13, 2013.

Free at last! Erin (needs a last name) (2) rides her princess four-wheeler bike down her driveway on Saturday, April 13th. (Last name) was taking advantage of the warmer weather as winter had finally broken it’s grip on the area.