4. fitta

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F = Frequency

I = Intensity

T = Time

T = Type

A = Adherence


How often training has to be done to have an effect.

To increase Strength, Power,

Muscular Endurance and CV Endurance

a minimum of 3 training session a week is needed.

To increase Flexibility training must be done within every 36 hours (everyday)


How hard one has to train to get an effect.

STRENGTH = 80 - 100% OF MAX POWER = 75 - 90% OF MAX M. ENDURANCE = 50 – 75% OF MAX HYPERTROPHY = 70 - 80% OF MAX

MAX = ONE REP.MAX i.e. the maximum effort that can be exerted in one single exercise



1RM = 50kg

Strength train with 45/50kg

Power train with 37.5/45kg

M.End train with 25/37.5kg

Hypertrophy train with 35-40kg


CV WORK AT % OF MAX HEART RATEEXAMPLE.To estimate maximum heart rate (eMHR) –eMax HR = 220 – Age so, for a 20 yr old = 220 – 20 = 200bpm eMHR – to calculate the level of intensity for

CV training calculate the training zone - 60-85%.60% x 200 = 120bpm and 85% x 200 = 170bpm so, training heart rate should be kept within this zone to improve

the CV system


TO IMPROVE FLEXIBILITY – Hold static stretches for 30-60 secs, try to

further stretch and repeat Use PNF (see later)


How much time should be spent on the exercises.

For Weights Training, Resistance Training or

if doing sit ups, chins etc this is measured in



STRENGTH = 1/6 reps

POWER = 6/12 reps

M.END = 12+ reps (all sets 2-6)

CV END = 20mins plus

FLEXIBILITY= Hold stretches for 30seconds +


The Type of Training Used.

Circuit Training Resistance Training Plyometric Training Interval Training Fartlek Training CV TRAINING running, cycling, rowing etc Skill Work Against Resistance


Static holding a stretch – can be active or passive

Active contracting opposing muscle to initiate a stretch

Passive being pushed into a stretch Dynamic taking a joint from small to large range of

motion Ballistic taking a limb to it’s end of range then

bouncing (not recommended without static stretching first)

PNF stretching then holding against resistance and then relaxing

(Proprioceptive-Neuromuscular- Facilitation)


Being motivated to stick to a training programme.

Stage 1. Discomfort Stage

Feelings of discomfort, wanting to

give up.

Motivation is largely extrinsic i.e. doing the activity to gain an external reward - praise, to look good on holidays, because friends are doing it, for a bet.


Stage 2. Physical Stage Begin to see changes in physique Weight loss, Muscle gain, Muscle tone, Better skin condition, More flexibility, able to carry out daily tasks easier.

Motivation is about 50/50 Extrinsic and IntrinsicIntrinsic = for internal/personal reasons, because it feels good, it is enjoyable, it is relaxing.


Stage 3 Psychological Stage

Exercise is mentally relaxing,

Feel psychologically good,

Having lots of mental energy

Adverse feelings if exercise missed

Motivation is Intrinsic


Week 1 – Health and Fitness Definitions

1. What are the three components of health?

2. What is the definition of fitness?

3. Name 3 factors that will influence fitness levels?


1. Physical, Social and Psychological

2. “The ability to perform everyday tasks without undue stress on the bodies systems”

3. Heredity (i.e somatotype), Gender, Age, Nutritional Status, Motivational Status

Week 2 – Components of Fitness

1. What are the 6 components of fitness?

2. Define two of these components of fitness?


1. CV (aerobic capacity), Strength, Flexibility, Muscular Endurance, Power, Speed

2. CV –The ability of the heart and lungs to exercise for a prolonged period of time

Strength- The ability of the muscles to apply maximum forceFlexibility- Range of movement at a jointME - The ability of a muscle to perform contractions against a resistance over an extended period of timePower - The ability of the muscle to overcome resistance with high contractile speed Speed- Maximum rate in which a person can move his/her body

Week 3 – Principles of Training

1. Explain what is meant by the principle ‘overload’?

2. Explain two different ways in which you can apply the principle of progression?

3. Explain what is meant by ‘specificity’ using a sporting example?

4. ‘If you don’t use it, you lose it’ – which principle does this refer to?


1. Must work body harder than it is used to (think of applying FITTA)

2. FITTA (slowly and gradually)

3. Training specific types of exercise for specific adaptations (needs depending on sport, position etc)

4. Reversibility

Week 4 – FITTA

1. Use FITTA to and the principles of training to describe a fitness training programme for you in a sport of your choice?

What are you training for and why (specificity?)What type of training will be used specific to your

needs?How will you overload the body? (Frequency, Intensity,

Time)How will you ensure you stick to your program?
