My trainer

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My trainerMy trainer

Hi my name Alex.

 I want to tell you

about my trainer

Oksana Makeeva

Oksana is a very good bal dance trainer

She has got her club tskLotus. She has the second degree.

Oksana teaches Latin American and European programs

Oksana is from Russia,

Rostov on Don

She is 34.

Oksana has long dark

hair and brown eyes.

She is strong and short

She was born April 1, 1978 in the city of Rostov-on-Don.

She has six years engaged in dance

Oksana was trainer Koblik Sergey Georgievich

At 16 years old Oksana Yurevna organize a club lotus

She is the winner of the championships Russia, the champion of the Southern Russia, four-time champion of the Rostov region.

All competitions

which I participated

in my pair won prize-

winning places

Her students often win first prizes in the

regional competitions in Moscow, Sochi,

Krasnodar, Rostov on Don, Volgograd

Students come training to

Oxana Makeeva from other


I like going in dance with

Oxana Makeeva. My

trainer is the professional.
