1 in what ways does your media product use


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In what ways does your media product use, develop and challenge forms or conventions of real media products?


• Use of one back ground colour which we also see in Adele's album cover – similar genre to our album.• Adele is seen to be looking away from the camera and so is our artist which reinforces the sad emotion. • Use of black and white on the image, which also reinforces the emotion. • Make the artists name and album name clear by having two different colours which are almost a theme throughout.

• Adele's cover uses one font for her name and album name. However, we developed this as we used two different readable fonts. Amy Piner is written in a feminine font, whereas, TORN, is written in a font that emphasises the word.

• Instead of using one picture of the artist which we see in real media products, for example, Adele's, we decided to have reoccurring pictures which allows us to show the full effect of her being torn with the fading of the same image and her becoming more shattered.

Real media productAdele


• Written a message that relates to the album. On our inlay we have a message written about been torn which relates to our album name. This is similar in Mariah Carey’s inlay where she has a message written with the word rainbow involved which also relates to her album name.

• We developed on the written message by highlight the fact that the message relates to the album I wrote the word ‘tear’ in the same font as the font torn is written in, I also underlined the word hold as this word puts emphasis on the picture.

• We challenged the real media product by leaving the background plain in order for the message and image to stand out. • We also added credit at the bottom to the production team, family, friends and fans which is not seen on inlay cards.

Real media productMariah Carey


• Name of artist and album name is clear on our CD as well as the real media product – Adele19.• One colour has been used as the background. This colour is a running theme throughout which has been used on both CD’s.

• Unlike on the real media product where one colour has been used for the artist and album name. We developed this idea by showing continuity by having the two different colours used on the album cover.

• We challenged the real media product by adding a copyright around the edge of the CD. This copyright states the rights and shows the record label name. Whereas on the real media product the record company name is just printed below.

Real media productAdele


• Typical conventions present:• Track listing is numbered and clearly laid out. • Barcode.• Institutional information. • Record label logo.• Stuck to the colour scheme throughout.

• Instead of just placing a picture, we developed the idea of having a picture by creating a silhouette. A dark silhouette almost shows a darker/emotional side to a person and reinforces the theme. • The real media product doesn’t have the artist and album name written on the back again.

• By adding facebook and twitter logos we have challenged the conventional back insert as people are more active online and therefore can keep connected to the artist via this service. • Instead of having the same background colour as the front cover, we challenged this by taking the red from the album name – TORN – and using this as the background colour for the back. This shows continuity as we have done a reversal of colours, putting TORN in the same colour as the cover background.

Real media productAdele


• Artist and album name is clear – two different fonts and colours are used. There also the biggest font size as that's what’s most important. • A colour scheme is clearly noticeable. • Both covers state when the album is out.

• To develop the magazine advert, we have added an image of what the CD cover looks like. This makes it clearer for potential buyers. By putting an outline around the cover enables it to stand out further. • Although both adverts say the CD is available/out now , unlike the real media product, we have developed this more by adding the recognisable logos of stores where the CD can be bought.

• As many people now use Smartphone's, we have ensured access to content is easy on their phones by simply placing a QR code which can be scanned by a Smartphone. • We have challenged the use of one colour for the background, by having one main colour, however, adding tears and showing a darker colour below to reinforce these tears which emphasise the album name. • We have also challenged the picture, as we have used two different pictures, however, wearing the same clothes.

Real media productMariah Carey


• Adele:Someone like you - See Adele wearing a jacket.- Our singer wears woolly clothing.- Use of black and white.

• Eamon:I don’t want you back-Use of black and white to show a flashback.- Use of fades.

• Frankee:F U right back-See her throwing stuff out the window same as our last scene. - Use of black and white to show a flashback. - Use of fades – ends in a fade so does our

• Stop motion was used to show two flashbacks – One happy flashback and one sad flashback. • Instead of using shots which constantly show the artists face. We chose to do some point of view shots – The first scene when she’s looking at pictures and a scene in the middle where we see her writing before it zooming into a flashback.

• We challenge the use of flashback as one was in colour which showed a happy memory and the one that was a sad memory was in black and white which is conventional for a flashback. • Instead of the artist singing to the partner as we see in music videos such as in Eamon, in the first scene we see her singing down towards the frame which holds a happy memory of the two.


• Product placement

• Narrative based story line. • Love/Break ups

• Lip syncing

• We normally see females in their bedroom singing, which reinforces isolation and loneliness. However, we developed this by having our artist sitting in the living room.

• We challenged the conventional opening scene by showing a point of view shot instead of an establishing shot showing the artist and location.

• We used stop motion to reinforce the flashbacks instead of just using black and white.