101 Conversational User Interfaces


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ConversationalUser Interfaces

What is Conversational UI?

A conversational, or natural language, user interface is a method of interacting with computers through text or voice commands. With good speech recognition, accurate instruction detection and quick responses, voice interaction is starting to feel very natural.

How does Conversational UI work?

Software listens out for grammatical details and attempts to recognise sentence structure to understand the context and meaning of instructions. The challenge in making the experience more natural is tackling the wide variety of ambiguity that can occur.

Why might Conversational UI be important?

Conversational interaction is becoming increasingly popular because of the speed and ease of interaction.

Vocal based assistants can be especially useful in hands free, and screen free, situations.

What are the best Conversational UI examples?

Amazon Echo www.amazon.com/echo

Google Home https://home.google.com

Siri http://www.apple.com/uk/ios/siri/
