2000 mathematics paper a



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Mathematics Paper 2000 AInput your name and press send.

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Mathematics Paper Q1a

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Each card on the left matches one on the right.

3 x 6 2 x 2 5

1 0 x 5 9 x 2

5 x 8 5 0 x 2

9 x 1 0 3 x 3 0

5 x 2 0 1 0 x 4





Which box matches this one?

Mathematics Paper Q1b

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Each card on the left matches one on the right.

3 x 6 2 x 2 5

1 0 x 5 9 x 2

5 x 8 5 0 x 2

9 x 1 0 3 x 3 0

5 x 2 0 1 0 x 4





Which box matches this one?

Mathematics Paper Q1c

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Each card on the left matches one on the right.

3 x 6 2 x 2 5

1 0 x 5 9 x 2

5 x 8 5 0 x 2

9 x 1 0 3 x 3 0

5 x 2 0 1 0 x 4





Which box matches this one?

Mathematics Paper Q1d

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Each card on the left matches one on the right.

3 x 6 2 x 2 5

1 0 x 5 9 x 2

5 x 8 5 0 x 2

9 x 1 0 3 x 3 0

5 x 2 0 1 0 x 4




DWhich box matches this one?

Mathematics Paper Q2a

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150 + ? = 500

Mathematics Paper Q2a

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172 - ? = 60

Mathematics Paper Q3

Next PageHere is a jigsaw with one piece missing.

Which one of the pieces below fits the hole in the middle?




Mathematics Paper Q4a

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Where would each of these numbers go on the sorting diagram?

m u l t i p l e s o f 5 m u l t i p l e s o f 2

2 5 3 0










Mathematics Paper Q4b

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Where would each of these numbers go on the sorting diagram?

m u l t i p l e s o f 5 m u l t i p l e s o f 2

2 5 3 0










Mathematics Paper Q4c

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Where would each of these numbers go on the sorting diagram?

m u l t i p l e s o f 5 m u l t i p l e s o f 2

2 5 3 0










Mathematics Paper Q4c

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Where would each of these numbers go on the sorting diagram?

m u l t i p l e s o f 5 m u l t i p l e s o f 2

2 5 3 0









Mathematics Paper Q5

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369 + 251 =

Mathematics Paper Q6a

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A shop sells batteries in packs of four and packs of two.

£ 1 . 4 8 8 5 p

4 b a t t e r i e s 2 b a t t e r i e s

Simon and Nick want two batteries each.They buy a pack of four and share the cost equally.

How much does each pay?{Answer in pence}

Mathematics Paper Q6a

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A shop sells batteries in packs of four and packs of two.

£ 1 . 4 8 8 5 p

4 b a t t e r i e s 2 b a t t e r i e s

Simon and Nick want two batteries each.

They buy a pack of four and share the cost equally.

How much does each pay?{Answer in pence}

(a) Award TWO marks for the correct answer of 74p OR £0.74 Up to 2mIf the answer is incorrect, award ONE mark for evidence of appropriate

working, eg148 ¸ 2 = wrong answer

Accept for TWO marks 74 OR 0.74 OR £0. 74p OR .74OR £.74 OR £.74pAccept for ONE mark £74p OR 0.74p as evidence ofappropriate working.Calculation must be performed for the award of ONE mark.

Mathematics Paper Q6b

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A shop sells batteries in packs of four and packs of two.

£ 1 . 4 8 8 5 p

4 b a t t e r i e s 2 b a t t e r i e s

Mary buys 2 packs of two batteries.Hamid buys 1 pack of four.

How much more does Mary pay than Hamid?{Answer in pence}

Mathematics Paper Q6b

Next PageA shop sells batteries in packs of four and packs of two.

£ 1 . 4 8 8 5 p

4 b a t t e r i e s 2 b a t t e r i e s

Mary buys 2 packs of two batteries.Hamid buys 1 pack of four.

How much more does Mary pay than Hamid?

{Answer in pence}

(b) Award TWO marks for the correct answer of 22p OR £0.22 Up to 2mIf the answer is incorrect, award ONE mark for evidence of

appropriateworking, eg

2 × 85 – 148 = wrong answerAccept for TWO marks 22 OR 0.22 OR £0.22 OR .22 OR £.22 OR £.22pAccept for ONE mark £22p OR 0.22p OR £22 as evidence of appropriate working.Calculation must be performed for the award of ONE mark.

Mathematics Paper Q7a

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This table shows the numbers of children who went walking, sailing or climbing at an outdoor centre.

 May June July

walking 25 80 75

sailing 15 42 50

climbing 18 27 23

How many children went sailing in May, June and July altogether?

Mathematics Paper Q7b

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This table shows the numbers of children who went walking, sailing or climbing at an outdoor centre.

 May June July

walking 25 80 75

sailing 15 42 50

climbing 18 27 23

How many more children went walking in June than climbing in June?

Mathematics Paper Q8a

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These are the temperatures in York and Rome on a day in winter.

1 0



– 5

– 1 0

1 0



– 5

– 1 0

º C º C

Y o r k R o m e

How may degrees colder is it in York than in Rome?

Mathematics Paper Q8b

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These are the temperatures in York and Rome on a day in winter.

1 0



– 5

– 1 0

1 0



– 5

– 1 0

º C º C

Y o r k R o m e

On another day, the temperature in York is 4°C

Rome is 7 degrees colder than York.

What is the temperature in Rome?

Mathematics Paper Q8b

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These are the temperatures in York and Rome on a day in winter.

1 0



– 5

– 1 0

1 0



– 5

– 1 0

º C º C

Y o r k R o m e

B) On another day, the temperature in York is 4°C Rome is 7 degrees colder than York.

What is the temperature in Rome?

A) How may degrees colder is it in York than in Rome?

(a) 5(b) – 3 OR minus 3Accept ‘3 degrees below zero’ or similar OR –3’ written on either thermometer.Do not accept ‘3–’ OR a mark on the thermometers such as a cross, unless the numerical answer is written.

Negative Numbers ppt?

Mathematics Paper Q9

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Here are some shaded shapes on a grid.



Which three shapes have reflective symmetry?

Mathematics Paper Q10a

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A camping shop sells tents, sleeping bags and backpacks.

This chart shows how many of each

they sold in June.Items sold in June

i s t e n t s4 i s b a c k p a c k s4i s s l e e p i n g b a g s4

t e n t s

s l e e p i n g b a g s

b a c k p a c k s

The shop had 20 sleeping bags at the beginning of June.How many of these sleeping bags did the shop have left at the end of June?

Mathematics Paper Q10b

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A camping shop sells tents, sleeping bags and backpacks.

This chart shows how many of each

they sold in June.

Items sold in June

i s t e n t s4 i s b a c k p a c k s4i s s l e e p i n g b a g s4

t e n t s

s l e e p i n g b a g s

b a c k p a c k s

In July, the shop sold three times as many tents as in June.

How many tents did the shop sell in July?

Mathematics Paper Q11

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Which two numbers add together to make 0.12?

• 0.1

• 0.5

• 0.05

• 0.7

• 0.07

• 0.2

Mathematics Paper Q12

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Leon and Sara each started with different numbers.

I t o m y n u m b e r .

a d d e d 5 I f r o m m y n u m b e r .

s u b t r a c t e d 8

L e o n S a r a

Leon and Sara both get the same answer.What numbers could they have started with?

Mathematics Paper Q12

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Leon and Sara each started with different numbers.

I t o m y n u m b e r .

a d d e d 5 I f r o m m y n u m b e r .

s u b t r a c t e d 8

L e o n S a r a

Leon and Sara both get the same answer.What numbers could they have started with?

Any two numbers such that Sara’s number is thirteen greater than Leon’s, eg

Leon 10 Sara 23Accept decimals, fractions, negative numbers and zero.

Mathematics Paper Q13

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Calculate ¾ of 840

Mathematics Paper Q14a

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The spinner is divided into nine equal sections.


1 2






Which two different numbers on the spinner are equally likely to come up?

C. 1D. 2E. 3F. 4

Mathematics Paper Q14a

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The spinner is divided into nine equal sections.


1 2






Which two different numbers on the spinner are equally likely to come up?

• 1 2 x 1 out of 9 = 2/9• 2 5 x 2 out of 9 = 5/9• 3 1 x 3 out of 9 = 1/9• 4 1 x 4 out of 9 = 1/9

Mathematics Paper Q14b

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The spinner is divided into nine equal sections.


1 2





3Meera says,

‘2 has a greater than even chance of coming up’.

Explain why she is correct.

Mathematics Paper Q14b

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The spinner is divided into nine equal sections.


1 2






Meera says,‘2 has a greater than even chance of

coming up’.Explain why she is correct.

(b) An explanation which recognises that more than half of the spinner sections have 2 in them, eg

· ‘More than half are twos’;· ‘There are five twos out of the nine’;· ‘There are more twos than all the other numbers altogether’;· ‘Because 2 has a probability of ‘.

Do not accept vague or arbitrary explanations, eg· ‘There’s more twos than any other number’;· ‘It’s the easiest one to get’;· ‘Twos are the most’.

Mathematics Paper Q15a

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Peanuts cost 60p for 100 grams.What is the cost of 350 grams of peanuts?

Answer like so: £4.22

Mathematics Paper Q15a

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Peanuts cost 60p for 100 grams.What is the cost of 350 grams of peanuts?

1 x 60p = 100g2 x 60p (£1.20) = 200g3 x 60p (£1.80) = 300g½ x 60p (30p) = 50g

300g + 50g = 350g£1.80 + 30p = £1.80 + £0.30 = £2.10TWO MARK QUESTION

Mathematics Paper Q15a

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Raisins cost 80p for 100 grams.Jack pays £2 for a bag of raisins.

How many grams of raisins does he get?

Mathematics Paper Q15a

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Raisins cost 80p for 100 grams.Jack pays £2 for a bag of raisins.How many grams of raisins does he get?

80p = 100g£1.60 = 200g£1.60 + 40p = £1.60 + £0.40 = £2 = 250gTWO MARK QUESTION

Mathematics Paper Q16a

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Kim has some rectangular tiles.Each one is 4 centimetres by 9 centimetres.

4 c m

9 c mShe makes a design with them.

h e i g h t

w i d t h

Calculate the width of her design in cm.

Mathematics Paper Q16b

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Kim has some rectangular tiles.Each one is 4 centimetres by 9 centimetres.

4 c m

9 c mShe makes a design with them.

h e i g h t

w i d t h

Calculate the height of her design in cm.

Pen tool?

Mathematics Paper Q17a

Next Page Answer key

Tony and Gemma looked for snails, worms, slugs and beetles in their gardens.

They each made a pie chart of what they found.

w o r m sw o r m s

s n a i l ss n a i l s

s l u g s

s l u g sb e e t l e s

b e e t l e s

T o t a l 8 0 T o t a l 3 6

T o n y ' s p i e c h a r t G e m m a ' s p i e c h a r t

Estimate the number of worms that Tony found.

Mathematics Paper Q17a

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Tony and Gemma looked for snails, worms, slugs and beetles in their gardens.

They each made a pie chart of what they found.

w o r m sw o r m s

s n a i l ss n a i l s

s l u g s

s l u g sb e e t l e s

b e e t l e s

T o t a l 8 0 T o t a l 3 6

T o n y ' s p i e c h a r t G e m m a ' s p i e c h a r t

Estimate the number of worms that Tony found.

One quarter of 80 = 20(a) An answer in the range 21 to 26 inclusive.No mark is awarded for an answer which is not a whole number.

Mathematics Paper Q17b

Next Page Answer key

Tony and Gemma looked for snails, worms, slugs and beetles in their gardens.

They each made a pie chart of what they found.

w o r m sw o r m s

s n a i l ss n a i l s

s l u g s

s l u g sb e e t l e s

b e e t l e s

T o t a l 8 0 T o t a l 3 6

T o n y ' s p i e c h a r t G e m m a ' s p i e c h a r t

Who found more snails?Tony or Gemma.

Explain how you know.

Mathematics Paper Q17b

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Tony and Gemma looked for snails, worms, slugs and beetles in their gardens.

They each made a pie chart of what they found.

w o r m sw o r m s

s n a i l ss n a i l s

s l u g s

s l u g sb e e t l e s

b e e t l e s

T o t a l 8 0 T o t a l 3 6

T o n y ' s p i e c h a r t G e m m a ' s p i e c h a r t

Who found more snails? Tony: ¼ of 80 = 20

Gemma: ½ of 36 = 18

(b) An explanation which recognises that Tony’s snails are a quarter of 80 and thatGemma’s snails are half of 36, so that Tony found more, eg

· ‘Tony found 20 and Gemma found only 18’;· ‘Quarter of 80 is more than half of 36’.

No mark is awarded for circling the correct answer of ‘Tony’.Do not accept vague or arbitrary explanations, eg· ‘Tony found loads more’;· ‘Gemma found more but Tony’s amount is bigger’.Accept a correct, unambiguous explanation even if the wrong name is circled.

Mathematics Paper Q18

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Which two numbers multiply together to make 1 million?

• 10

• 100

• 1000

• 10 000

• 100 000

Mathematics Paper Q18

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Which two numbers multiply together to make 1 million?

• 10

• 100

• 1000

• 10 000

• 100 000

100 x 10 000 = 1 000 000

Count the zeros6

A and E also works!

Mathematics Paper Q19

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Liam has two rectangular tiles like this.

1 1 c m

5 c m

He makes this L shape.

What is the perimeter of Liam’s L shape in cm?

Pen tool?

Mathematics Paper Q20(out of 23)

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This sequence of numbers goes up by 40 each time.

40 80 120 160 200 …

This sequence continues.Will the number 2140 be in the sequence?Explain how you know.

Mathematics Paper Q20(out of 23)

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This sequence of numbers goes up by 40 each time.

40 80 120 160 200 …

This sequence continues.Will the number 2140 be in the sequence?Explain how you know.

Explanation which recognises that the numbers in the sequence are multiples of 40 and that 2140 is not OR that only the even hundreds in the sequence have the numbers ending in 40, eg· ‘it doesn’t divide by 40’;· ‘140 isn’t in it so 2140 won’t be’;· ‘it will go 2000, 2040, 2080, 2120, 2160 ... so there’s no 2140’.

No mark is awarded for circling ‘No’ alone.Do not accept vague or arbitrary explanations, eg

· ‘It’s odd, so it won’t be there’;· ‘It’s not part of the sequence’.

Mathematics Paper Q21 (out of 23)

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Calculate 8.6 – 3.75

Mathematics Paper Q21 (out of 23)

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Calculate 8.6 – 3.75

Set out in the correct columns:

U . 1/10 1/00

8 . 6

- 3 . 7 5

4 . 8 5

What is here?0

Mathematics Paper Q22a (out of 23)

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The shaded triangle is a reflection of the left hand triangle in the mirror line.

m i r r o r l i n e

( 1 , 3 ) ( 5 , 3 ) ( 1 1 , 3 ) B

( 5 , 9 ) A




( , )

What is the first co-ordinate of point A?

Mathematics Paper Q22b (out of 23)

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The shaded triangle is a reflection of the left hand triangle in the mirror line.

m i r r o r l i n e

( 1 , 3 ) ( 5 , 3 ) ( 1 1 , 3 ) B

( 5 , 9 ) A




( , )

What is the second co-ordinate of point A?


Mathematics Paper Q22c (out of 23)

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The shaded triangle is a reflection of the left hand triangle in the mirror line.

m i r r o r l i n e

( 1 , 3 ) ( 5 , 3 ) ( 1 1 , 3 ) B

( 5 , 9 ) A




( , )

What is the first co-ordinate of point B?

11 9A = ( , ) ?B =

Mathematics Paper Q22d (out of 23)

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The shaded triangle is a reflection of the left hand triangle in the mirror line.

m i r r o r l i n e

( 1 , 3 ) ( 5 , 3 ) ( 1 1 , 3 ) B

( 5 , 9 ) A




( , )

What is the first co-ordinate of point B?

11 9A = ( , ) 15 ?B =

Mathematics Paper Q23 – last question

Answer key

Leila knows that

65 × 3 = 195

Explain how she can use this information to find the answer to this multiplication:

165 × 3

Mathematics Paper Q23

End of paperLeila knows that

65 × 3 = 195

Explain how she can use this information to find the answer to this multiplication:

165 × 3

Explanation which indicates that 300 can be added to 195, eg· ‘It’s 3 × 100 more’;· ‘You add another 300 on’;· ‘3 × 65 = 195, 3 × 100 = 300 so it’s 495’;· ‘100 has been added to 65, so multiply 100 by 3 and add it to 195’.

An answer to the multiplication is not required and no mark is awarded for it.Do not accept vague answers such as:

· ‘You work it out’;· ‘Do a sum’;· ‘It’s nearly the same except it has 100 in front of it’.
