5 magazine contents pages




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The colours mix well and go together, yet are quite dark. I think using more colours and brighter colours may have been a better idea as it would be more eye catching.

The layout I think is set out well, the space is used up and the contents is showed clearly and simply showing the reader in an easy format what the magazine includes.

The title “NME This Week” suggests that the mode of address is aimed at a younger audience. The language is more laid back, informal and social suggesting that the magazine is aimed at a younger audience.

The images used reflect what is included within the magazine, which is good as they have a purpose. I think the image is of a good size and a balance is created with the writing and image. I do believe that possibly including more images may have made the front cover more interesting. Yet as a whole the image is of a good size and works well on the page.

The colour scheme works well, again quite dark and a variety of colours may work better as they will stand out more and catch your attention. On the other hand a continuous colour scheme can be recognised with NME; which can be seen a good thing as readers will be able to recognise NME easier.

The contents page of this magazine is laid out very well. The space has been used up and the information has been presented in a easy format for a reader to understand what the magazine includes within the issue. The layout as a whole is placed well and looks very interesting.

The image chosen is very large, making it eye catching yet I think isn't the best choice for the magazine and looks quite boring. A band playing at a gig would have been a more interesting image to look at therefore the image choice isn't the best. I also think more images would have made the contents page more interesting to look at. On the other hand, the page is balanced well with the image and writing.

I think the page is really unbalanced due to the size and placement of the image and writing. I think the image size as one single aspect is good as it is eye catching yet as a whole i think it is too big and takes up too much of the space. For one it focuses too much of your attention on it and not on the writing and also creates a unbalanced feeling about the page; making it look like as if it is at a tilt. I think the image should be made smaller and the text should be placed better and not in one clump.

Furthermore, I do think the page is unbalanced and the format of the text appears to be boring, on the other hand I think it is simple and informs a reader simply of the contents of the magazine. This can been seen as an advantage as it is clearly informing you or it can be seen as disadvantage as it is plain and boring and the layout sound be more outgoing and fun.

The colours on the page work well together yet there is a huge lack of colour on this page making it very simple, plain and boring. In order to relate to a younger audience more colours need to be used to catch their attention and keep them interested. Even if a large range of colours isn't used then the use of; for example three colours should be used more so because as you can see with this magazine the theme is black and red and those colours have barley been used.

The colours on the contents pages work well and an obvious red and black themes can be recognised. After looking at a few contents pages now of different magazines, I have noticed that red and black are favourite colour schemes, especially with NME. For my magazine, I think I will interpret these colours yet also use a variety of other colours to make my magazine different and unique. I’d also like to use more colours to relate to a younger audience and also so it looks more interesting and catches your attention quickly.

Lots of images have been used on this contents page which makes it very interesting to look at. Not only do the images reflect what is included within the magazine but numbers are used to show the reader instantly that what page you can find more information about; for example the band within the picture and their new album. Even though there is a large amount of images, i still think the page is balanced well, although maybe more text should have been included.

The layout works well and a balance has been created with the image and text. The images have been placed neatly and simply along with the text included. Creating a professional and interesting layout.

A large variety of colours have been used on this magazine. I think the colours work very well together and make the contents page stand out. It creates a very bubbly effect making the magazine look interesting; luring a reader into wanting to read more.

The layout is neat, yet there is still a lot going on creating an outgoing vibe which creates interest in the magazine. The space has been used well and pictures have been included to keep the interest of the reader.

“£2 OFF!” the magazine is advertised on the contents page, drawing a reader in at a beginning point. Therefore making them more interested in the magazine as they believe they are receiving something extra from the magazine.

The images have been placed well on the contents page, maintaining a balance of text and imagery. The images used are current to the date and relevant to the information included within the magazine, creating a purpose for them. I think some of the images are too small and should have been bigger but as a whole the magazine is balanced, the colour scheme is bright and vibrant and relevant pictures have been used which maintain a readers interest in the magazine.