7 key elements of a modern successful website


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7 Key Elements Of A Modern SuccessfulWebsite

Have you ever wondered what makes a stunning website? It might be something like the content,

videos, images, etc. But you know it’s much more than that.

There are a ton of small things you need to do in order to create a high quality website. We can talk

about it all day. To help you narrow your focus, today we will take a look at seven crucial elements of

modern web design that can help you improve your website perfomance.

W E B S I T E D E S I G N ( H T T P S : / / B L O G . D E S I G N V E L O P E R . C O M / C A T E G O R Y / W E B S I T E -D E S I G N / )

B y V a n D o ( h t t p s : // b l o g . d e s i g n v e l o p e r . c o m / a u t h o r / v a n d o / ) o n D e c e m b e r 7 , 2 0 1 6

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Call to act ion (CTA)What exactly is it that you would like your potential customers to do when they browse your website?

Do you want more newsletter subscribers, make a sale, provide information or gather contact


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Then include buttons which should be of a contrasting color and say exactly what you want them to

do: Call Me, Shop Now, Contact Us, Let’s Chat, Sign Up, Buy Now.

Take this stunning website which is one of our successful products as an example, its CTA is very

obvious and strong. See full website at: crowdr.tv (https://www.crowdr.tv/)

A successful website must have ability to convert visitors quickly into customers. So make your CTA

as clear and as easy for potential clients as possible to take the next step.

Related: Why A Good Website Matters For Every Business


About usWhere to sell your story? Yes, no place else but the “About us” page. The thing is many people seems

not to be aware of its importance. The “About Us” page is usually their second thought. But let me

unveil a secret, that page is one of the most visited pages on a successful website!

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Therefore, it’s time for you to put some effort into making the “About us” page less boring. Do not write

long essay, just keep the page simple; give users just enough information. And remember it should be

personal, compelling, and deៗ�nitely up to date.

Contact InformationI don’t know about you, but nothing drives me nuts more than a website that makes me revisit their

pages so many times to 凘�nd out how to contact to them. Hey, I found your site, I like it enough to stay

and I want to do business with you, but guess what? I can not 凘�nd your contact information. Are you


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So, please display your contact information on every page if possible. It should be RIGHT-THERE. You

should also offer various options for potential customers to get in touch with you such as: your email,

your phone number or a contact form. A good way to do this is add contact information to all static

headers and footers.

Responsive designThere is no doubt that it’s the age of mobile devices now. Mobile seems to become everything

surrounding us from doing business, checking email, shopping or even playing game. Because of that

insanely increase of mobile devices, it’s a must for any kind of business to have a website that is


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When I make the browser thinner and wider, the layout magically adjusts itself to 凘�t any sizes of the

browser. That is how responsive websites work!

Check out: 5 Compelling Reasons Your Website Should Be Responsive


A website which isn’t optimised to be viewed onto a mobile means the page won’t be adjusted or 凘�t

onto the small screen. So, your visitors have to zoom in and out, up and down, left and right on smaller

device to read content. That’s obviously the last thing a customer wants when they are on the move

and need to 凘�nd out about your business.

Simple navigationIf you want to stand out from the crowd, a good navigation is the key factor you need to take care of.

Navigation isn’t necessary to be complicated. It should be easy to identify and easy to use.

Remember, people want convenience, not a challenge. The easier it is for people to use and navigate

throughout your site, the longer they are likely to interact with it.

Fast loading pageAccording to Hosting Facts (https://hostingfacts.com/), “A single second delay in your website

loading time can result in a 7% loss in conversion, and 40% of web users will abandon a website if it

takes longer than 3 seconds to load”.

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Here are other Reasons Why Visitors Leave Your Website In 10 Seconds


Slow loading pages may be a major reason why your visitors hit the “Back” button without regret.

Nobody likes waiting for so long! There are tons of other options available out there, why would they

waste their time waiting for your page to load?

Relevant content

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A good website is the one that not only work effectively, but also provide relevant content that your

audience want. Content have to cater to the needs of the users. It should answers questions that

have been posed by your audience. Once your customers have found what they have looked for, they

are likely to return your site to 凘�nd answers for any further problems.

Last but not least, make sure all content is SEO optimized using relevant keywords so your targeted

audience can 凘�nd your site.

ConclusionWhen it comes to building a website, every designer might have their different plans, but there is no

way to avoid including these above elements in any websites. Have you ever heard about the saying:

“The devil is in the details”? Well, keep an eye on these factors because it’s the little things that can

make or break your whole website design.

While your website essentially represents your business’s face, why don’t you take time to make it

shine! Want help getting your website to sparkle? Talk to our team (https://www.designveloper.com/)

to see just what we can do for you!
