7Summits Case Study - DMA Partners



DMA Improves collaboration and efficiency with 7Summits' adaptive Salesforce community.

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7Summits Launches Collaborative Salesforce Community to Engage DMA Partners

7SUMMITS CASE STUDY: Distribution Market Advantage (DMA)

SituationDistribution Market Advantage (DMA) is a Schaumburg, Ill.-based national foodservice distribution system whose shareholders are prominent regional foodservice distributors. DMA comprises nine companies, fostering collaboration that allows members to respond with a singular voice to chain operators, which ultimately helps regional players compete with national distributors. Acting as liaison between food service distributors and chain operators, DMA is focused on improving communication among their partners and within their organization.

“We must collaborate with our distributors to come to a consensus on all of the components necessary to build a world-class supply chain,” said Jim Szatkowski, Vice President of Data Management Services for DMA. “I can’t think of any other organization that has more of a challenge – or more of an opportunity – for collaboration, and we needed a solution to support these efforts.”

DMA originally had structural segregation between their data record and communication channel. As self-taught early adopters of Salesforce, the organization took advantage of its reporting system but conducted communications outside of the application, primarily over email and phone calls.

Communicating with distributors the old-fashioned way wasn’t ideal: information was GLIˉFXOW�WR�TXLFNO\�ORFDWH��GLIIHUHQW�SDUWLHV�UHSHDWHGO\�DVNHG�WKH�VDPH�TXHVWLRQV�DQG�NH\�individuals were sometimes inadvertently excluded from conversations. DMA’s chief FRQFHUQ�ZDV�WKHLU�UHVSRQVH�WLPH�ZKHQ�UHSO\LQJ�WR�5HTXHVWV�IRU�3URSRVDO��5)3V���7KHLU�process relied on siloed email threads and sporadic phone calls, which led to bottlenecks, making it more challenging to respond on time. DMA needed a streamlined communications channel that would foster engagement both within the organization and among distributors and sought a system that would allow them to respond promptly. 7KHLU�LGHDO�FROODERUDWLRQ�V\VWHP�ZRXOG�GHFUHDVH�HPDLO�YROXPH�DQG�UHLQIRUFH�WKH�LGHD�WKDW�DOO�SDUWQHUV�ZHUH�RQ�HTXDO�IRRWLQJ�

,W�ZDVQȠW�MXVW�'0$�WKDW�LGHQWLˉHG�WKH�QHHG�IRU�EHWWHU�FRPPXQLFDWLRQ�DQG�FROODERUDWLRQ��the distributors themselves had also been asking for an effective tool. DMA had been using Salesforce as their system of record for eight years, and selected Salesforce Communities as their solution after considering various other options. By using Salesforce, DMA could leverage their existing data and a familiar user interface, which would accelerate time to launch and simplify the user acclimation process.


Challenges'0$ȠV�5HTXHVW�IRU�3URSRVDO��5)3��process fostered mistrust among members due to a decentralized communications process


Salesforce was used as a system of record, but DMA was not taking full advantage of the solution’s features


7KH�6DOHVIRUFH�&RPPXQLW\�KDV�eliminated email silos by capturing all conversations about new business opportunities within the system

Salesforce is both system of record and system of use, allowing distributors to engage with each other and interact with their business data in one place







JIM SZATKOWSKI9,&(�35(6,'(17�2)�'$7$�0$1$*(0(17�6(59,&(6�)25�'0$

INDUSTRY: Food Service




Client Success:“We needed an expert to avoid deep customization and get the results we wanted. 7Summits stepped in and provided exceptional guidance. They were integral in helping us FRQˉJXUH�WKH�ULJKW�VROXWLRQ�IRU�RXU�QHHGV�ȣ

SolutionDMA sought a Salesforce Community partner after starting to DQDO\]H�WKH�FRPSOH[�VHFXULW\�VHWWLQJV�UHTXLUHG�WR�DGGUHVV�WKH�distributors’ privacy concerns. Salesforce recommended 7Summits IRU�WKHLU�VRFLDO�EXVLQHVV�DFXPHQ�DQG�DELOLW\�WR�WDNH�D�XQLTXH�SHUVSHFWLYH�RQ�FRQˉJXUDWLRQ�RSWLRQV��'0$�IHOW�FRQˉGHQW�WKDW�WKH�7Summits team would be able to create a comprehensive solution without extensive customization.

“We needed an expert to avoid deep customization and get the results we wanted,” Szatkowski said. “7Summits stepped in and SURYLGHG�H[FHSWLRQDO�JXLGDQFH��7KH\�ZHUH�LQWHJUDO�LQ�KHOSLQJ�XV�FRQˉJXUH�WKH�ULJKW�VROXWLRQ�IRU�RXU�QHHGV�ȣ�

DMA opted for an incremental approach, starting small and EXLOGLQJ�RQ�WKHLU�VXFFHVV�DV�WKH\�ZHQW��7KH�PDLQ�JRDO�IRU�WKH�implementation was to provide the highest level of visibility to partners, so that everyone could see the same data and have access to all relevant conversations. 7Summits kept DMA’s commitment to collaboration in mind and built a Salesforce Community that allowed DMA and their partners to track opportunities, analyze and discuss data, and engage with each other more effectively.

Ȣ2XU�VWUDWHJ\�ZDV�WR�ORRN�DW�'0$ȠV�EXVLQHVV�SURFHVVHV�DQG�determine how we could extend those processes to their partners,” said Rob Murray, Senior Vice President of 7Summits. Ȣ'0$�ZDQWHG�D�WRRO�WKDW�ZRXOG�QRW�RQO\�LQFUHDVH�5)3�YLVLELOLW\�and engagement with their partners, but also allow their partners to easily engage with one another. So we asked ourselves how we could cultivate a space where DMA’s partners could come together and provide value.”

7KH�FRQˉJXUDWLRQ�SURFHVV�FRPELQHG�DHVWKHWLFV�ZLWK�XWLOLW\��creating an intuitive interface that incorporated the logos of all QLQH�'0$�SDUWQHUV��7KLV�KHOSHG�IRVWHU�WKH�IHHOLQJ�RI�LQFOXVLRQ�WKDW�was so important to DMA. 7Summits also developed a secure way for partners to upload their geographical coverage and cost-to-serve data privately, so that other DMA members could not access this data.

7KH�ˉUVW�VWDJH�RI�WKH�6DOHVIRUFH�&RPPXQLW\�LPSOHPHQWDWLRQ�IRFXVHG�RQ�WKH�EXVLQHVV�GHYHORSPHQW�WHDP��7KH�SURFHVV�WRRN�ˉYH�ZHHNV�DQG�LQFOXGHG����OLFHQVHV��7R�JHW�HYHU\RQH�RQ�ERDUG��7Summits ran a live, two-hour training session for all partners and internal users at kickoff time. DMA also conducts regular bi-monthly calls with users to gather feedback and offer occasional training sessions to address user adoption issues.

�6XPPLWVȠ�DQG�'0$ȠV�VLPSOLˉHG��RXW�RI�WKH�ER[�GHYHORSPHQW�approach made the transition simpler for users. After years of communicating via emails and phone calls, partners and internal team members were initially concerned about how the new platform would work, where their posts would go when they clicked Send and who would be able to see what they posted. 7Summits allayed these reservations by focusing on security and permissions throughout the training process, and the reception was favorable.





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Milwaukee: 1110 Old World Third St, Suite 500, Milwaukee, WI 53203

Chicago: 1300 E Woodfield Road, Suite 650, Schaumburg, IL 60173

ResultsSince DMA’s Community launch, the team has observed an overall positive change in the way they and their partners do business.

Ȣ7KH�'0$�6DOHVIRUFH�&RPPXQLW\�KDV�GLUHFWO\�LPSURYHG�RXU�DELOLW\�to manage our business,” said DMA distributor Jeff Peitzmeier, 'LUHFWRU�RI�1DWLRQDO�$FFRXQWV�IRU�6KDPURFN�)RRGV��Ȣ,Q�WKLV�increasingly competitive environment, the Community has fostered collaboration among our peers, allowing us to attack SUREOHPV�DQG�SURYLGH�VROXWLRQV�PRUH�HIIHFWLYHO\��7KH�WLPH�ZH�XVHG�WR�VSHQG�ˉOWHULQJ�LQIRUPDWLRQ�FDQ�QRZ�EH�VSHQW�SXUVXLQJ�opportunities, thanks to the DMA Salesforce Community.”

'0$ȠV�5)3�UHVSRQVH�UDWH�LV�DFFHOHUDWHG��JLYLQJ�WKHP�D�FRPSHWLWLYH�edge and allowing them to win more new business. Critical information can now be communicated in real time, and email silos are eliminated. Having all data, content and conversations regarding new business opportunities in one place also saves DMA and their partners time and prevents the loss of key details. 7KH�LPSURYHG�HIˉFLHQF\�KDV�PDGH�WKH�WHDP�PRUH�HIIHFWLYH�DQG�better able to focus on new business.

DMA considers the Salesforce Community a game changer for increasing trust, transparency and inclusion among their partners. Many partners have begun to use the platform daily and DMA has reported positive feedback from Community users, both partners DQG�LQWHUQDO�XVHUV��7KH�HDUO\�VXFFHVV�RI�WKHLU�&RPPXQLW\�DQG�WKH�positive experience working with 7Summits has made DMA optimistic about the future of the initiative.

“We were very impressed with 7Summits’ understanding of our EXVLQHVV�DQG�WKHLU�DELOLW\�WR�KHOS�XV�FRQˉJXUH�D�FRPPXQLW\�WR�support our business goals,” Szatkowski said. “7Summits helped us put the pilings in the ground and set our foundation, but this is just a shell of what the Community will actually become.”

Phase two of the implementation process will bring the account management team into the Community and continue to expand to include 500 licenses. 7Summits will be instrumental in future updates and releases to make the user experience more applicable to DMA and their partners’ needs, improving the DFFOLPDWLRQ�SURFHVV�DQG�LQFUHDVLQJ�HIˉFLHQF\��ZKLFK�ZLOO�UHTXLUH�PLQLPDO�FXVWRP�GHYHORSPHQW��7KH�H[SDQGHG�&RPPXQLW\�platform will allow DMA to uphold their history of successful collaboration, while building their reputation as innovators who provide the best tools to their partners.

“DMA is ‘the poster child for collaboration,’” said Szatkowski. “We’ve always been very successful collaborators, but as our business evolves, we have to be able to adapt to continue to grow. I believe enterprise social collaboration is the future, so leading in that arena is important to DMA.”
