A look at Drupal 7 Theming



A look into some of the main template files n Drupal7 and a look into them inheritance

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Drupal 7 Theming

A look at how Drupal themes are created

Learning Drupal Sydney

What is a Theme

In a CMS a presentation layer displays the content to website visitors based

on a set of templates

“A theme is a collection of files that define the presentation layer.” –


Think of it as the index.html with static content replaced by PHP variables

Do I have to create a theme to change the layout?

No, you can use modules to change the layout of a page or section of a page.

An example of some modules are;Panels http://drupal.org/project/panels Display Suite http://drupal.org/project/ds Skinr http://drupal.org/project/skinr Block Class http://drupal.org/project/block_class

But they only change the layout of pages not the frame of the site

Index.html vs page.tpl.php


1. Take index.html

2. Replace static content with PHP variable calls

In summary that is what templates files are, HTML files with some added PHP magic source

Now add some PHP variables

Theme output

PHP variables are turned into the needed HTML calls

That’s nice but what does it all mean?

To change the way Drupal looks you need a theme

You can change your sites theme from the “Appearance” menu option in Drupal 7

a themes can consist of a couple of .tpl files (page.tpl.php, node.tpl.php) and on .css file

a themes can consist of many .tpl files and multipule .css and .js files

Where Drupal themes live

/sites/all/themes [correct]/themes [not correct]

Never over write core themes files that live in the base folder of Drupal, this is called hacking core

Don’t take a copy of a core theme to create another theme use a contributed theme

The basic files in a theme

All Drupal themes must have an info.php file, one css file

.info (required) > think of this as the template configuration file

All other files depend on how much you want to customise the look of Drupal

A typical theme consists of page.tpl.php, node.tpl.php, block.tpl.php, comment.tpl.php, style.css

http://drupal.org/node/190815 lists all core templates


Think of it as the themes configuration fileMust be named the same as the theme folderRequired in a themeTells Drupal about the theme

Declares themes name name = OurthemeDeclares what version of Drupal core = 6.xDeclares css files stylesheets[all][] = style.cssDeclares javascript files scripts[] = scripts/superfish.jsDeclares regions regions[content] = Main contentDeclares features features[] = logo



Think of it as the content between <head> </head>Prints out all needed CSS and JavaScript filesDoes not need to be included in a file as it will inherit the Drupal core html.tpl.php fileAllows for more granular control



Think of it as the content between <body> </body>You print your regions in your page.tpl.php <?php print render ($page['preface']); ?>Its the frame of your websiteCreate’s the page layout, were content is printed, menu, search, sidebars…



Themes all nodes in the sitePrints out the output of $content variable in page.tpl.phpControls what all node pages look like, can be overwritten by specific templates targeting the node id or content type.

Think of nodes as the content on the page<div id=“content”><h1>…</h1> <p>…</p></div>

Can theme all nodesnode.tpl.phpCan theme a specific nodenode--nodeid.tpl.php



Themes all blocks or themes a specific blockAllows you to wrap more HTML and CSS code around the block or remove some HTML

Can theme all blocks block.tpl.php

Can theme all blocks in a specific regionblock--region.tpl.php

Can themes blocks produced by modulesblock--module.tpl.php


Putting it all together

But we can add more templates?


Themes all regions or themes a specific regionAllows you to wrap more HTML and CSS code around the region areaAllows you to style the menu region and then the sidebar region to have more control of Drupal out-put

Can theme all regions region.tpl.php

Can theme a specific regionregion—search.tpl.php



Used to theme individual fieldsWill theme all the fields that are of that typeMust flush cache when adding and removing templatesFor example you create an image field and use that across three content types, the field theme will apply the field.tpl.php to all three content types




Themes the way that comments lookCan theme individual comments and the comment area wrapper

Can theme the comment wrappercomment-wrapper.tpl.php

Can theme individual comments comment.tpl.php



Putting it all together


Themes how your “Site offline” page looks

Enables you to control how your maintenance page looks enables a more professional look

When you turn your site offline into maintenance mode if you don’t have a specific maintenance theme the default Drupal maintenance template will display

Some rules apply here

You can only use page.tpl.php variables on page.tpl.php as you can only use node variables on node.tpl.php

This means not all variables can be printed on all templates, variables are template specific

Theme inheritance applies, more about that…

But Drupal seems to add its own HTML ?

Drupal Theme inheritance

1. Drupal core applies its own .tpl.php files they are called first

2. Drupal modules apply their own .tpl.php files these are applied second and over write any css calls that exist in core tpl.php files

3. Your theme has its own .tpl.php files these are applied last and over write calls in core tpl.php files and module tpl.php files

4. Your theme has the final say!

Drupal .tpl.php inheritance

core tpl.php files


module tpl.php files


theme tpl.php files


Core node.tpl.php gets overridden by the modules node.tpl.php

module node.tpl.php gets overridden by the them node.tpl.php

Theme Wins

What happens when there's nothing to inherit?

core tpl.php files


File does not exist


File does not exist


Core html.tpl.php is applied to the layout

There is no file to overwrite the core so it is used to create the output

Core Wins

There is no file to overwrite the core tpl file

Inheritance within your own theme

Templates within your own Theme can also be overwritten by other templates in your theme this allows you to be specific with your template target

Drupal.org describes it as “Template suggestions are made based on these factors

Listed from the most specific template to the least.

Drupal will use the most specific template it finds.”

In Drupal templates specific wins




node.tpl.php will be called to theme all Drupal nodes

node—nodeid.tpl.php will apply to the specific node that matches the id number

Specific Wins

node--type.tpl.php will apply to all nodes of a specific content type

Drupal core has its own CSS

1. Drupal core applies its own .css file this is called first

2. Drupal modules apply their own .css files these are applied second and over write any css calls that exist in core css files

3. Your theme has its own .css files these are applied last and over write calls in core css files and module css files

4. Your theme has the final say!

Drupal CSS inheritance

Core css files style a header tag

h1 { font-size: 1.6em; }

If a module .css file has the same class call, then it will be overwritten by the

module css

h1 { font-size: 2em; }

If a theme .css file has the same class call, then it will be overwritten by the theme


h1 { font-size: 3em; }

Core css calls get overridden by the modules if there is a file with the same name style.css

module css calls gets overridden by the theme css calls

Theme Wins

Inheritance Don't and Do’sYou see a CSS class coming from module/node/node.css? Don’t change the module/node/node.css file Do copy the css call and paste it into your theme.css file

You want to use your own css to style a module? Don’t change sites/all/modules/name/module.css

file Do take a copy of the css file, place a copy of the module.css file into your theme folder and enter stylesheets[all][] = modulestyle.css into your themes

info file Do flush cache

Output of Drupal 7 css calls

Its a lot to take in

So how do I theme modules?There are 42 different .tpl files in Drupal7 core modules folder.


Each one of these can be copied and placed in your own theme to overwrite the output


If a contributed module has a .tpl file this can be copied into your theme folder and it will overwrite the .tpl in the modules folder


So to theme a module

1. Take a copy of the .tpl.php file we need from the module

2. Move the copy to our themes templates folder, this can be under the folder theme/templates/*.tpl.php

or under the root of the theme folder theme/*.tpl.php

3. Flush cache or flush the theme registry to see if we can notice the changes on the website

Also content types can be themed

Theme the layout of a specific content type;

If you want to theme the news content type, you would create;

node-news.tpl.php node-content-type-machine-


To theme a content type

Take a copy of node.tpl.php Rename it to node—contenttype.tpl.php Add the styling you want

If you want to change the layout then you can use devel to locate the field names and print them out separately

To do this you need to delete the $content variable print render replace it with calls to the specific fields print render($content['field_gallery_image']);

Granular theming of $content<div class="content">  <?php    // First we hide the comments and links now so that we can render them later.

    hide($content['comments']);    hide($content['links']);    // Then we print the content. Comments and links not included here.

    print render($content);  ?></div>    // Then we print the links and comments separately

<?php print render($content['links']); ?><?php print render($content['comments']); ?>.

Devel and calling field variables You can use the Devel module to tell you all the

fields you have available on a content type

Devel render will display the name you need to call to print that field in the tpl file

Field variables will print out the array so if there is 1 it will print 1 or if there is 3 it will print out 3, one after the other, an example three images files uploaded to a node will print out three times by calling the field

Styling content type fields <div class="imageElement">

<?php print render($content['field_gallery_image']); print render($content['field_galleryimagecaption']); ?>


print render($content['field_namehere']);

Where to start?

Using a contributed theme

It is a good first start Look for a theme that has the

desired layout Download a theme from the

Drupal.org website, and apply it to your website

You need to enable the theme and set it as the default

Don’t like the header tags or background?

If your going to change a contributed theme;

1. Take a copy of the theme folder and give it a new name

2. Rename the x.info file to match the name of the folder

3. Open up the theme and change some of the CSS styles

4. Change any calls to image files in the theme and replace them with your own

Using a Base Theme

A base theme gives you a good starting point for creating your own theme

Its best to use a base theme otherwise you may miss needed Drupal PHP variables

It helps reduce development time Takes care of a lot of the starting work in

creating your own theme from scratch You can use a responsive design aka

Adaptive base theme is a responsive design which means you don’t need to write the media query calls

So we need to create a sub-theme

So what is a Sub theme

Sub themes inherit templates, css, js and functions from there base theme

This means; If the base theme is based on the 960

grid system the sub theme will as well If the base theme is an adaptive theme,

the sub theme will be as well It saves us time of building these

features into our themes

How do we create one

Sub themes must always have the core theme enabled in the Drupal appearance area

The subtheme must be enabled and set as default

Each base theme has its own documentation, but, generally we take a copy of one of the start sub-themes and we rename it to our new theme name

Creating a theme from scratch

The best way to get your personalised site

But you need to understand and know the Drupal theme variables

and structure

So often best to use a Base Theme

Thank youLearning Drupal SydneyAimee Maree Forsstrom – Drupal Solution Architect