A React Journey


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A React JourneyA tour of the latest trends in the React ecosystem

JS Frontend Developer at LinkMe Srl

Twitter: @_denb

In love with React and Javascript in general.I’m a 7-month-old dad

Daniele Bertella

JS Frontend Jr Developer at LinkMe Srl

Twitter: @paolorovella

In love with React and sushi, i’m an incurable tv shows binge watcher

Paolo Rovella

React Ecosystem


JSX, State/Props, HoC, Routing

State management

Redux, Mobx


Babel, Webpack, CSS Modules, Testing

ReactReact is a JavaScript library for creating user interfaces


ReactMain concepts

Just the UI

React is only concerned about rendering UI

Virtual DOM

React uses a Virtual DOM Diff implementation for ultra-high performance

Data Flow

React introduces one-way reactive data flow


ReactA basic component

JSX is a XML-like syntax extension to ECMAScript

JSX uses className because “class” in JavaScript is a

reserved word


Input data that is passed into the component and can be accessed

via this.props

The propTypes object allows you to validate props being passed to

your components

PropTypes validation providedhttps://facebook.github.io/react/docs/reusable-components.html#prop-validation


Internal state dataA component can maintain internal state data (accessed via this.state)

Re-render on state changesWhen a component's state data

changes, the rendered markup will be updated by re-invoking render()

ReactComponent Lifecycles

Various methods are executed at specific points in a component's



ReactECMAScript 6 (ES6) is the upcoming sixth major release of

the ECMAScript language specification.

ES6 support is different among browsers(https://kangax.github.io/compat-table/es6/)

You can use ES6 today thanks to transpilers like Babel

ECMAScript 6 (ES6)

BabelJavascript compiler

Transpile ES6/ES7 in ES5

(Classes / Destructuring / Arrow functions / Spread operator ...)



ReactES5 to ES6 ClassesECMAScript 6 equivalents in ES5 by @addyosmani


ReactES6 Destructuring

ES6 Arrow function

Expression that make it possible to extract data from arrays or object into dinstinct variables

Shorter syntax compared to function expressions and binds the “this” value (not its own this). They are always anonymous

ReactES6 Object Spread operator

ES6 Decorators

Copy properties from one object to another. The specification order is important

Syntactic sugar which lets you annotate and modify classes at design time

ReactStateless Functional Components

Kill boilerplate code

Dumb and predictable component

No state, no component lifecycles

ReactHigh Order Components

Reuse other components functionalities

Reduce duplication of code

ReactRouting (react-router) https://github.com/reactjs/react-router

State management

ReduxBy Dan Abramov (@dan_abramov)


Predictable state container for JavaScript apps.

Three principles

- Single source of truth- State is read only- Changes are made with pure functions

ReduxApp state

App state described as a plain object

This object is like a “model” except that there are no setters


The only way to mutate the state is to emit an action, an object describing what happened


A function that takes previous state and action as arguments, and

returns the next state of the app

Split reducers in smaller functions managing parts of the state


A reducer that manage the complete statecan call other small reducers


combineReducers Combine different

reducers in one

createStoreTwo arguments, combined

reducers and persisted state (optional)


Adds a change listener. Called any time an action is dispatched, and some part of the state

tree may potentially have changed

getStateReturns an object with the current state tree

of your application

dispatch Dispatches an action. This is the only way to

trigger a state change


Reduxreact-reduxReact bindings for Redux embrace the idea of separating

presentational and container components.


makes the store available to all container components in the app

only need to use it once when you render the root component




connects a React component to a Redux store.

returns a new, connected component class



a function that tell how to transform the current Redux store state into the props

you want to pass.


a function that receives dispatch() method and returns a callback props.


Suggested way to extend Redux with custom functionality

They are called after an action is dispatched and before it reaches the


Multiple middlewares can be combined together

Redux Saga middleware let you create Sagas, which are generators responsible for orchestrating complex/asynchronous operations, to gather all your side effects logic in a central place



Redux Thunk middleware allows you to write action creators that return a function instead of an action

The thunk can be used to delay the dispatch of an action, or to dispatch only if a certain condition is met


MobXBy Michel Weststrate (@mweststrate)


MobX is a library that makes state management simple and scalable by transparently applying functional reactive programming

Functional reactive programming

Functional reactive programming is programming with asynchronous data streams which you can listen to and react accordingly

The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing


MobXStore (observable/computed)

@observable stateobservable capabilities to objects, arrays and class instances annotating properties

with the @observable decorator

@computedvalues that will be derived automatically

when relevant data is modified

@actionaction is anything that modify

the state and is always triggered by some event (DOM events,

websockets etc)

MobXStore (action)


observer function / decorator is used to turn ReactJS components into

reactive components.

In this component store can be passed as a prop


One more thing...
