A2 media


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A2 Media



Location • The location is highly important in this music video and I have chosen

places which are in-keeping with the genre of my music video, such as landscape locations like fields by Lydden Hill and Upper road by St Margret's Cliff. As well as more alternative location’s like Dover docks .

Genre • The genre of this music is Indie Rock, and is quite alternative. So this video

needs to reflect the style of the song and its meaning; for example the song includes lyrics such as “Sing from the sky… like a lead balloon” I want to channel this by getting some shots of balloons and soft images of the sky; as this is a signifier for the real thing.

Demographic• The demographic I am targeting will not be a specific sex but

both male and female; aged between 24 and 31.

• The class is not a large factor but analysing my audience more closely, I feel that the class would be more middle to upper class; targeting a niche market of people who’s psychographics are ones of those who attend more alternative and overcoming music events.

• As well as having a more varied taste in music that your mainstream commercial music played on the radio. My music video needs to reflect this that’s why I am not involving people; but more imagery in my video, as I feel it provides audiences with more visual signifiers.

Software • I have looked into the ways I am

going to produce my video and a music video I am most inspired by is Jay Z’s hello Brooklyn it not the particular genre I am interested in but the making of the video.

• It will involve me taking a variety of images from some of the location’s I have talked about in previous slides.

I will then enhance the images in Photoshop, and use the ‘Vanishing Point tool’ to then uploaded them onto After Effects where motion is emplaced. This is something I will need help with from tutors, as I have not got a lot of experience with using After Effects and the vanishing point tool.

Video how to …• This is the video showing how the creator of Hello Brooklyn made his

video using images, Photoshop and After Effects.

CD Cover/ Magazine Ad• For my CD cover I want to use

Photography as the main image; maybe some of the landscapes used for my video, or images of the sky. I also have images from a window of a aeroplane of clouds I can use.

• The software I will be using is Illustrator Cs6 as this will be most effective for manipulating typography, which will form the rest of the design. The type I will be using is called ‘Paranoid’ and I have installed the font and will be able to use it when developing my final design.

My Plan B• If I am unable to get sufficient

information, on how to use the software After Effects, I plan on filming some of my video instead of adding motion to clips.

• I there are difficulties with filming in some locations, I have other areas such as the in Dover beach, and an old study my granddad has with old vinyl's.

Health safety+ Costs

• What I will need to bare in mind for health and safety is the fact that my location’s are by the dual carriage way, and I will need to be very careful and wary of how I work.

• Also the location has quite a bumpy surface so I will need to make sure I am wearing appropriate footwear and clothing for when I film

• The only costs I might have to pay is for balloons if I chose to use them in the video, apart from that this video is not high on costing.