AangularJS Framework



AangularJS Framework presentation from CloudVis Technology: http://www.cloudvis.vn

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1AngularJS - CloudVis Technology

AngularJS Framework

Tăng Phúphutang@cloudvis.vnTechnical Leader @ CloudVis Technology

2AngularJS - CloudVis Technology


Introduction to AngularJSAnatomy of an AngularJS applicationCommunicating with ServersCustom Directives (advanced)

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Introduction to AngularJS

Angular Team @ Google

4AngularJS - CloudVis Technology

Introduction to AngularJS

Experiences from building large web applications like Gmail, Maps, Canlendar …Open Source Javascript FrameworkUse

MVC architectureData bindingClient side templatesDependency injection

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Introduction to AngularJShello-world.html


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Introduction to AngularJS

Result Hello, World

A few interesting things Bind with no classes, no IDs in HTMLNo register eventshello_controller.js is plain JavaScript classAuto inject $scopeAuto init HelloController

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Introduction to AngularJS

Data Binding

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Introduction to AngularJS


Type: Hi

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Anatomy of an AngularJS application

Structure – Basic workflow

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Anatomy of an AngularJS application

● Line 2: define a part of DOM which is managed by Angular ● Line 5, 6: import library and your code● Line 9: define scope (what's scope?) and bind with HelloController, ng-controller attribute ● Line 10: define data with ng-model attribute● Line 11: display text with {{ }}● Line 12: behavior with ng-click attribute

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Basic startup flow

User requests a first pageLoad a index.html page with templateWait for the page fullly loaded, and looks ng-appScan binding and directives (what's directive?)Connect to server to load additional data (call ajax to get data)

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Basic startup flow

Images from http://docs.angularjs.org/guide/concepts

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What's Directive?Kinds of Directive

E - Element name: <my-directive></my-directive>A - Attribute: <div my-directive="exp"> </div>C - Class: <div class="my-directive: exp;"></div>M - Comment: <!-- directive: my-directive exp -->

Built-in Directiveng-app (A)ng-controller (A, C)ng-model (A, C)ng-change (E, A)ng-click (A, C)ng-repeat (A, C)….

Ref: http://docs.angularjs.org/api/

14AngularJS - CloudVis Technology

Directive Example

<p ng-bind="greeting"></p>

<form ng-controller="SomeController"> <input type="checkbox" ng-model="youCheckedIt"></form>

<form ng-submit="requestFunding()" ng-controller="StartUpController"> Starting: <input ng-change="computeNeeded()" ng-model="startingEstimate"> Recommendation: {{needed}} <button>Fund my startup!</button> <button ng-click="reset()">Reset</button></form>

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What's Scope?

Scope as Data-ModelThe glue between application controller and the viewBoth controllers and directives have reference to the scope, but not to each other.

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What's Controller?

A controller is a JavaScript function that is used to augment instances of angular ScopeUse controllers to

Set up the initial state of a scope object.Add behavior to the scope object.

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What's View?

To generate the View (render a DOM), AngularJS gathers information from Template, applies Controller functions, link Model properties

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Data Binding

In the Angular implementation of MVC, the view has knowledge of both the model and the controller.The view knows about the model where two-way data-binding occurs

Images from http://docs.angularjs.org/guide/dev_guide.templates.databinding

Classical Template Systems Angular Templates

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Communicating with Servers

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Communicating with Servers

AngularJS support$httpGeneral usage

Shortcut methods$http.get() $http.head() $http.post() $http.put() $http.delete() $http.jsonp()

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Communicating with Servers

$resource (Dependencies on $http)

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Communicating with Servers

var data = Data.get({id:123}, function() {

data.isDefault = true;



{ 'get': {method:'GET'}, 'save': {method:'POST'}, 'query': {method:'GET', isArray:true}, 'remove': {method:'DELETE'}, 'delete': {method:'DELETE'} };

$resource (Dependencies on $http)

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Custom Directives (advanced)

E - Element name: <my-directive></my-directive>A - Attribute: <div my-directive="exp"> </div>C - Class: <div class="my-directive: exp;"></div>M - Comment: <!-- directive: my-directive exp -->

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Writing directives

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Wrapper DataTables

DataTables(plug-in for jQuery)

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Wrapper DataTables

DataTables (plug-in for jQuery)Import DataTables jQuery<script


</script>In Template<cv-table



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http://angularjs.org/Ebook: AngularJS, Oreilly, Apr 2013

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Thank you
