AIAS/Trespa Competition Entry (December 2009)



A competition to design a city center in a large city. My partner and I chose Detroit as our location for this project.Designed to serve as a hub for city activity, this complex offers apartment space, retail space, a grocery store, restaurants and a movie theater, as well as office space.

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CPR for a Sinking City Grand Circus Park Detroit, MIcommercial | public | residential













People Mover to Broadway* proposed relocation of Grand Circus stop

Movie Theaters

Cocktail Bar



Commercial/Non-Pro�tO�ce Space

Apartments/Condos* renovation of existing tower

First Floor Retail

Above-Ground Short Term Parking* Underground Long Term Parking

Chain Grocery Store


Co�ee Shop

Bike Racks

* Ampitheater

* Green Roof


Grand Circus Park


Comerica Park/Ford Field* Fox Theater

Rosa Parks Transit Center* 0.4 miles

Neighborhood Service Organization

Wayne CountryEnvironment Department

$ Bank of America


Why Detroit? A product of racial tensions, outsourced manufacturing, short-term remedies and unfocused planning, agitated by the recent economic collapse, Detroit has become one of America’s fastest shrinking cities. What we hope to accomplish with this project is not to �ll all of the gaps in city’s urban fabric, but to simply address one major gap in what could be a very productive and exciting downtown neighborhood. Our site consists of two blocks �anking Detroit’s famous Grand Circus Park just east of Woodward Avenue, located a few blocks north of the city’s center. This area is populated by several high rise residential lofts and o�ce buildings, and within walking distance to several Detroit enter-tainment landmarks including the Fox Theatre, Comerica Park, Ford Field and the Detroit Opera House. There are also many historical sites in the neighborhood, including the Book Tower, the GAR Building and the old Michigan Theatre.

CPR Built within the last ten years, the Compuware World Headquarters, the Detroit Riverwalk, the Motor City Casino, and the new football and baseball arenas have provided incentives for revitalizing Detroit and bringing visitors back to the city, but what about Detroit residents? What Detroit needs is not another landmark building, entertainment district, or corporate headquarters. What it needs is a hub for all of these things and more – the more being the actual Detroit residents. What they need is not a welcome center for visitors but a city center for the people of Detroit.

Community Focus Our design recognizes the importance of employing both universal and sustainable design strategies, but it is the local community and immediate context that remains our primary design inspiration. After all, in order for our center to e�ciently serve the community long-term we must understand and address local needs, and provide design solutions suitable to our urban context. For example, public access and transportation are not simply a program requirement but an existing condition, where the balance of pedestrian, public, and automotive transportation could mean the success or failure of the project. Most importantly, our center will address the issues of urban food inse-curity; an exceedingly pertinent topic in the case of Detroit, which lost its last chain grocery store in 2007. As part of our planning strategy, our city center will engage all four of the major stakeholders: private property owners, commercial property owners, non-pro�ts and city government, in order to achieve a joint venture pro�ting all parties.

Sustainable Solutions Situated within the urban context of the largest city in the Great Lakes state, sustainability, speci�cally the conservation and preservation of our water resources is our second design priority, behind our obligations to the community. We organized our sustainable technologies and alternatives around the tertiary of water, waste and energy. Considering our site, Michigan’s climate, and our close proximity to large bodies of water including the Detroit River, Lake St. Clair and Lake Erie, we decided to focus our e�orts towards e�cient water management. Our key sustainable design features work to reduce water usage through smart irrigation of our public roof top gardens, greywater treatment for non-potable building use, and harvesting rainwater for reuse in our evapora-tive cooling system.

Integrated Systems While water remains our primary focus these processes interact with other building systems to cooperatively reduce thermal load and heat island e�ects. Intelligent Controls help our building achieve overall e�ciency while allowing for individual control. Building Management Systems (BMS) control the mixed mode ventilation zone system e�ciently, mediating between passive systems and mechanical conditioning enabled by ground source heating. Utilizing the sustainable, thermal and aesthetic qualities of the Trespa panels, low-e glass, and permeable pavers the building envelope and its com-ponents help support the other building systems. The Trespa panels provide the perfect �nishing touch to the Center City facade - providing the building with a dynamic and invit-ing presence. With a wide range of applications and color choices, the Trespa panels provided us with the design inspiration we needed to push our conceptual ideas into archi-tectural form.

A | Rainwater Capture - Roof top basins and storageOur key sustainable design features work to reduce water usage through graywater recollection as well as rainwater harvest-ing and reuse for evaporative cooling.

B | Irrigation - Xeriscaping/Mulching/Smart Irrigation:Landscaping with native grasses (Bu�alo grass, zoysia grass) that require limited irrigation to grow. Mulching retains mois-ture released by smart irrigation system ie. subsurface drip irrigation.

C | Humidity Control - Cooling Water Feature: Collected water will be used to in a radiant �oor to control the climate in the larger spaces of our building. Our precedent for study for the radiant �oor system is the Hearst Building by Foster & Partners in New York City.

D | Greywater Treatment - Rooftop Water Puri�cation:Southern roof garden acts as a greywater treatment area by combining a wetland system and water treatment plant, in order to facilitate a natural water puri�cation process.

E | Bioswale: Landscaping element that help to �lter out pollutants found in runo� water. Very useful feature to be used near parking lots, or busy roads where large amounts of runo� water mix with heavy pollution from vehicle tra�c.

F | Low-Flow Fixtures:Low-�ow �xtures use less water than conventional �xtures.







$ Movie Theater*Retail

Co�ee Shop


People Mover

Green Roof

Intelligent Controls - Hybrid Building:In order to achieve overall building e�ciency while allowing for individual control, building employs Building Management System (BMS) to Hybrid control system with local system overrides and automatic timers. Energy generation is controlled centrally, while energy distribution is controlled locally. Interactions: Mediates between passive systems and mechanical conditioning enabled by GeoExchange

Mixed Mode Ventilation - Zone System: System utilizes building components and HVAC system in order to maximize com-fort of inhabitants while minimizing energy use. Zone system allows di�erent spaces to be conditioned either naturally or mechanically for extended periods of time, but allows for potential change-over between systems.

Zone A | ATRIUM - naturally ventilated Zone B | RETAIL - mechanically ventilated

Ground Source Heat - GeoExchange:System uses pipes drilled 200-300 feet into the ground to exchange heat via water with ground source in order to utilize the constant temperature of the earth (50-60 degrees) to heat and cool building. E�ects: after initial costs, operation/ mainte-nance costs are relatively inexpensive; can produce power 24/7; clean energy; reduces electric energy consumption.

1Ground Source2 Central Generation3 Local Distribution






Chain Grocery Store

Public Food Market* 8am-2pm Wed. and Sun.



A Future of Food Security“Community Food Security can be de�ned as the which exists when all of the members of a community have access, in close proximity, to adequate amounts of nutri-tious, culturally appropriate food at all times, from sources that are environmentally sound and just. This food security policy was developed to a�rm the City of Detroit's commit-ment to nurturing the development of a food secure city in which all of its citizens are hunger-free, healthy and bene�t from the food systems that impact their lives. This policy also a�rms the City of Detroit's commitment to supporting sustainable food systems that provide people with high quality food, employment, and that also contribute to the long-term well-being of the environment.”

Detroit Black Community Food Security Network

A 11.4.4English Red

A 10.4.5Sienna Brown

A 12.6.3Wine Red

M 04.4. 1Titanium Trespa Panels


Sustainable Urban Design innovative in�ll construction and building reuse
