Alphago Tech talk


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Google DeepMind - AlphaGo

What is AlphaGo? A computer program developed by Google DeepMind that

plays the board game Go

“The most significant aspect of all this…is that AlphaGo isn’t just an expert system, built with handcrafted rules. Instead, it uses general machine-learning techniques how to win at Go.”

Technology Behind AlphaGo Advanced Tree Search

Deep Neural Networks Policy Network Value Network

Reinforcement Learning

Google Cloud Platform

Advancements in AI “DeepMind’s techniques point the way to a future where real-

world robots can learn to perform physical tasks and respond to their environment. It’s a natural fit for robotics.”

AI Capabilities Advising and Working Alongside Humans

Program Applications Virtual Assistants

Medical Diagnostics

Climate Modeling

Data Analytics

Problem Solving

Discussion Questions What other applications can you

think of for this technology?

How is this relevant to us as IS developers?