Analisis Estatico y de Comportamiento de un Binario Malicioso


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© 2003 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice

Static and behavioral analysis of a malware binary

David Pérez Jorge

Raúl Sí


• Introduction• Lab Setup• Static analysis• Behavioral analysis• Conclusions• Episode III Trailer


• RaDa: malware (trojan backdoor)• Honeynet Project:

– Scan of the Month 32: Reverse engineering–– Complete results published on the web

• Today: How to learn about the binary?

Lab Setup

• Virtual Machines:– VMWare, VirtualPC, Bochs, Plex, QEMU

• Tools:– Host: Network traffic analyzer, firewall…– Guest: String extractor and process, registry, connections


Static Analysis

• Very important to:– Compare results with other people– Fully categorize the results

• Should include:– MD5 and/or SHA1 hashes– Timestamp– File type/target OS– Static / dynamic executable (dependencies)– Executable file format (packed? which? unpackable?)– Strings (ASCII/Unicode)– Additional info (icon, company, version…)

Behavioral Analysis (I)

• It is a black box approach analysis• Best starting point (Code analysis later if needed)• Easy and fast• Limited results

Behavioral Analysis (II)

• Windows– FileMon– RegMon– TDIMon– RegShot– Task Mgr– BinText

• UNIX/Linux– /proc– Top/ps– Lsof– Strace/ltrace– strings

Behavioral Analysis (III)

1. Start monitoring tools in the victim system (processes, connections, registry)

2. Start network capture in the host system (or hub)3. Capture initial status of the victim system4. Run the malware for an amount of time in the victim

system5. Terminate the process6. Stop monitoring tools7. Capture final status of the victim system8. Walk through the obtained info9. Loop adding interactions…


• It is important to know what has (or can) happened• Reverse Engineering techniques learned:

– Static analysis– Behavioral analysis

• You can do it at home with parental guidance

Episode III trailer

• Code analysis:– In-depth knowledge of the malware– Helping to reduce assumptions– Much more complicated– Again DEMO!


Thank you!

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