Ant Unit Your Functional Test



Ant & AntUnit For people: Agile developers People largely involves in testing? Looking for a solution for build & testing Loose coupling Complex application environment

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AntUnit Your Functional Test

Jimmy Zhao

Dec 30, 2008

About Me

• From China

• More than 8 years of project experience with Ant

• 6 years of Agile experience• Developed a test

engine just like Ant

What?• Ant & AntUnit

• For people– Agile developers– People largely involves in testing?– Looking for a solution for build & testing– Loose coupling – Complex application environment


• Why AntUnit?

• How to use & extend it?

• My simple AntUnit extensions

• Examples & Demo

• More thoughts

• Q & A

Pain of Agile Developers

• test == workload

• test == boring

• test == low value

• test == QA

• test != developer

QualityTest ==


A Silver Bullet For Testing

• Ant – Cover almost every corners of

development– Numerous Ant extensions ready

• AntUnit – just released 1.1 – Test Ant Task – Everything is possible

Official Definition

AntUnit provides Ant tasks for testing Ant task, it can also be used to drive functional and integration tests of arbitrary applications with Ant.

Why AntUnit?

Most flexible way to assert your functions

Great extendibility

So many tasks ready for use

Perfectly integrate with development environment

Controllable granularity

Ant task too, but we call it assertion here

The Simplest Continuous Integration & Test Solution

Build &


Integration Test

System Test


Test Repor



Check Style

All of them are Ant Tasks

Everything Ant


Two Ways of Using AntUnit

• A: Ant as a drive– Define your test scenario by – Integrate them in Ant

• B: Ant as script engine– Define your test scenario in Ant script– Use Ant xml files to manage your cases

• Don’t forget to assert via AntUnit– White-box testing

Why Extend AntUnit?

• Assert a function is complicated – Business logic

• i.e. web flow with session

– Corner cases of testing• i.e. https authentication

• Combine/reuse existing assertions– Sequential multiple assertions– And/or/xor assertion result– Extend existing tasks

Before Extend AntUnit• Just like A normal ant tasks

• Something your should know – Condition and Fail– XML Namespace awareness– AntListener– Sequential– Macrodef & Scriptdef

Example 1<project name="echo-test" basedir="." default="all" xmlns:au="antlib:org.apache.ant.antunit"> <macrodef name="assertFalse" backtrace="false"> <attribute name="message" default="Assertion failed"/> <element name="assertion" implicit="true"/> <sequential> <au:assertTrue message="@{message}"> <not> <assertion/> </not> </au:assertTrue> </sequential> </macrodef><target></project>

Examples• Command Line application

– Normal Ant tasks + AntUnit• Sshexec/Exec/telnet + assertions

• Web UI application– JUnit extension tasks + AntUnit

• A: HttpUnit/Selenium + assertions• B: AntUnit + assertions based on Selenium

• GUI application– Junit extension tasks + AntUnit

• Abbot + AntUnit

My AntUnit Extensions

• Extension 1– Better functional test purpose assertions

• StdoutAssertion – LogContains Task• FileAssertion – ResourceContains Task• Log4jAssertion – no in 1.1 yet

• Extension 2– Selenium junit extension based task

• Use all of them together

CLI Example

<target name="testCLIApp"><exec executable="cmd">

<arg value="/c"/> <arg value="ant.bat"/> <arg value="-p"/>



Web Application Example<target name="testSeleniumTask"> <selenium> <sequential> <command name="open">/</command> <command name="click">btnG</command> <command name="waitForPageToLoad">5000</command> <command

name="click">//div[@id='res']/div[1]/ol/li[1]/h3/a/em</command> <command name="waitForPageToLoad">5000</command> </sequential> </selenium> <au:assertTrue> <command name="isTextPresent">AntUnit 1.1</command> </au:assertTrue> </target>

More Test Purposed Extensions

• Listener as task– For monitoring the testing progress

• Thread-liked/Recursive/Timing task– Embedded runtime & dynamic task

needed, i.e. logging

• Assertion Combination– And/Or/Xor for assertion results

Problems/Found Issues• Setup/TearDown for each test

– It’s good but sometimes also a problem• especially in a functional test environment• Should be configurable

• Not really good at case management– Case dependency is an issue– XML file + Target dependency– Too flexible is also a problem

• Test pattern needed

Similar Ideas

• Webtest project of Canoo– Selenium readable Ant script

• CruiseControl & Plugins


• Webtest of Canoo

• CruiseControl & Plugins

• Selenium & projects in OpenQA

• Abbot @ sourceforge
