Anton’s group may 15, 2013




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Cracking The Code:

How You Can turn Facebook Into An Endless Stream of

New Leads

Debunk the 3 big Facebook lies!

How to quickly and easily get people over to your website

What we’re going to cover today…

Roll back the curtain and show you techniques people are paying $1,000's to have implemented

All you have to do is set up a Facebook


Myth No. 1

Everyone of my fans sees every post I make

Myth No. 2

I just need a lot of likes

Myth No. 3

FACEBOOK1.06 Billion Users (May 2013) 680 Million Mobile Users (May 2013)

TWITTER500 Million Users (May 2013)

LinkedIN200 Million Users (May 2013)

When was the last time you used them?

Quickly & easily get fans over to your website

Quickly & easily get fans over to your website


Now that we've covered the Basics,

Lets Roll Back The Curtain

Research to find the content that will work best on your page

Posts content from your blog to encourage people to sign up for your free offer and paid products where applicable.

Here's what you will need to doto get the results I just showed you

Daily posts to your Facebook Page, designed to encourage likes, shares and comments.


Here's what you will need to doto get the results I just showed you


Like and comment where appropriate on the commentsFrom your fans

Remove and report spam

Promote one post per day for $3.00 per post

Here's what you will need to doto get the results I just showed you

Post and Monitor Facebook Ads

Identify comments that Require Attention and Forward to you or a staff member in a timely manner.

Use Splash Post to encourage email sign up directly into yourInfusionsoft, Aweber, Getresponse or Mailchimp Applications

Daily posts to your Facebook Page, Designed to Encourage Likes, Shares and Comments.

Research to find the content that will Work best on your page.

Posts content from your blog to encourage people To sign up for your free offer and paid products

where applicable

Promote one post per day for $3.00 per post

Like and Comment Where Appropriate onthe Comments From your Fans

Remove and Report Spam

Use Splash Post to Encourage Email Sign up directly into your Infusionsoft, Aweber,GetResponse or MailChimp Applications

Post and Monitor Facebook Ads

Identify comments that require attention And forward to you or a staff member

in a timely manner

"Feeling a Bit Overwhelmed? Too Much to Do?

Turn Key Facebook Solution• Regular Price (yearly):

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$ 447.30/mo

* NOTE 6 month commitment

Super Bonus #1 VALUE $250

Everyone who signs up today will receive

a one hour strategy call with me

Super Bonus #2 VALUE $250

I am so committed to my clients getting results and that we are

Implementingthe right strategy for you to achievemaximum results,

you can also schedule Two (2) 30 minute strategy sessions

with me each month.

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Only Room for 6 New People

High Touch

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• Please click the link and fill out this ridiculously short feedback form.

Feel free to be brutally honest with me, I am planning on doing the webinar again and I want to fine tune it. Your input would be greatly appreciated.

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