Brittany Alexander. Period 6. Emperor penguin


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Emperor Penguin

Brittany AlexanderPeriod 6


• Size: 4ft. • Weight: 49-90lbs.• Color: Black and white

with some orange and yellow.

• They have thick skin with two dozen feathers per sq. inch.

Habitat • Found only in Antarctica, living on the ice packs

and it’s surrounding oceans.• The Emperor Penguin is very sociable and lives

in packs of 500 to 20,000.

• The penguin is usually found around the water but their breeding sites, called rookeries, are found many miles inland on solid ice.

Breeding • Sexual maturity: 3-6 years.• Breeding season: March-

December.• Incubation: 64 days• The male penguin

incubates the egg using a fold of skin under it’s belly. The male does not eat during this time but the female goes out to find food and bring back to the baby.

Predators and Prey

• Penguins usually eat fish, squid, and crustaceans.

• The emperor penguin has few enemies but are often killed by leopard seals and killer whales.


• Emperor Penguins can dive to a depth of 870ft and can stay under for up to18min.

• Swim 3-5mph.

• Use wings for paddles. Feet and tail are used to steer.

Adaptations• They have overlapped feathers that trap

warm air to survive freezing conditions.

• They are blubbery and low to ground so little air can circulate around them.

• Nasal passages minimize heat loss.


• Kingdom: Animalia

• Class: Aves

• Order: Sphenisciformes

• Family: Spheniscidae

• Species: Forsteri

Other Facts• Lifespan: 20 years

• Largest seabird

• On smooth slopes the penguin can lie on its belly and toboggan across it.

Works Cited• Gibson, Deborah Chase. "Penguins and Their Homes." PowerKids Life Science,

Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., 2011. 28 Apr. 2011 <>. • King, Judith: Wildlife Fact File. Pittsburg, PA: International Pasters Pulblishers,

