Building A More Secure WorkplaceSecurity


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There are countless resources for basic training on good employee practices. Having employees trained

and aware of the threats on the internet (and email) is half the battle to keeping your corporate systems


Do you control what employees can do on your computers? You should! Filtering out certain sites and blocking certain

types of content can greatly reduce the likelihood that employees are able to inadvertently introduce viruses and

“malware” onto your corporate network.

Don’t rely on employees to know what is safe or not. Most service providers now offer this for free. By limiting the types of content and attachments which can be sent or

received, you can greatly lower the chances that someone accidentally opens a bad file while at work (or home.)

There is no excuse for every PC on your network NOT having AntiVirus and NOT being set to receive

automatic updates. Out of date software is one of the most common ways Pcs become infected. If you have

employees with laptops this is a must-have!

For as little as $2,500, you can have a reputable consultant conduct a health check – they review your

systems and documentation and can generally give you an action-plan in as little as a week.

Lastly, insurance. Many providers now offer Security breach or insurance coverage as a rider to your existing liability policy. Breaches not only cost you money in lost revenue and customers but can cost enormous sums to clean up. Talk to your agent regarding options, as a small breach can easily

cost $50,000 to remediate.
