Building .NET client tools for SharePoint online


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Building .NET Client Tools for SharePoint Online

A guided tour following the steps to build our SharePoint Find & Replace tool

KWizCom Corporation

• Founded in 2005

• Headquartered in Toronto

• Global vendor of SharePoint Add-Ons

• 5000+ customers worldwide

Shai Petel

Director of Research and Development at KWizCom

MCPD, MVP: SharePoint | @shaibs |

Table of Contents


Web Apps vs. Client Apps



A bit of background, leveling the playing field


What are SharePoint Apps?

What are SharePoint Apps?

Extend the capabilities of SharePoint.

Do not execute code on SharePoint

Are not installed on SharePoint

What are SharePoint Apps?

Provide UI, UX, Logic & State Browser: via scripts, html

Server side code: azure or your server

Client: run on your device (PC, mobile or tablet)

Requires no SharePoint development skills at all!

What are SharePoint Apps?

Communicates with SharePoint using CSOM– REST: direct calls, added in SharePoint 2013– JavaScript: via JavaScript OM within SharePoint hosted app only– .NET: via OM libraries (available for Silverlight and mobile as


Share the similar limits and restrictions (3 level throttling)

Going through the same tunnel– SharePoint 2010: /_vti_bin/client.svc– SharePoint 2013: /_api (alias)




What site am I working on?

Context – SharePoint Hosted Apps

SharePoint hosted apps can use the app web or host web using JavaScript OM and the query string parameter: SPHostUrl automatically added to the app URL by SharePoint.

//current app webvar ctx_appWeb = SP.ClientContext.get_current();//host web url – from query stringvar spHostUrl = GetQueryStringParameterByName('SPHostUrl');//host web context, supports CORSvar ctx_hostWeb = new SP.AppContextSite(ctx_appWeb, spHostUrl);

Context – Provider Hosted Apps

Provider hosted apps can create a client context using the query string parameter that is automatically added to the Url when a user visiting the app from his SharePoint site: SPHostUrl

//Get SharePoint site URLvar sharepointUrl = new Uri(Request.QueryString["SPHostUrl"]);//Get client context of the site, using an OAuth access tokenClientContext clientContext =

TokenHelper.GetClientContextWithAccessToken(sharepointUrl.ToString(), accessToken);

Context – Client Apps

In client apps, it is up to the developer to provide the SharePoint site Url, either by having the user type it, having it in the app configuration file or by hard coding it.

With ClickOnce this can be

sent as a parameter to the

app (see example later).




You will need to authenticate to the SharePoint site before you can use any of the SharePoint APIs.

Authentication – SharePoint Hosted Apps

Since the SharePoint JavaScript API is running in the browser, after the user has successfully logged in, the authentication part is transparent to the developer and no special actions are needed.

Authentication – Provider Hosted Apps

When building a provider hosted apps, you will have to get an OAuth token before you can make any requests to the server.

Use access token with REST:

Use access token with .NET client OM, using the TokenHelper class:

request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + accessToken);


Authentication – Client Apps

With client apps, you have a few options to authenticate to SharePoint:

Use default credentials

Create network credentials

Use SP special login class for SP Online


ClientContext.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;//CSOMWebClient.UseDefaultCredentials = true;//REST

Authentication – Client Apps

With client apps, you have a few options to authenticate to SharePoint:

Use default credentials

Create network credentials

Use SP special login class for SP Online


ClientContext.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(username, password); //CSOM

Authentication – Client Apps

With client apps, you have a few options to authenticate to SharePoint:

Use default credentials

Create network credentials

Use SP special login class for SP Online


SecureString passWord = new SecureString();foreach (char c in password.ToCharArray()) passWord.AppendChar(c);ClientContext.Credentials = new sp.SharePointOnlineCredentials(username, passWord);

Authentication – Client Apps

With client apps, you have a few options to authenticate to SharePoint:

Use default credentials

Create network credentials

Use SP special login class for SP Online



Web Apps vs. Client Apps

How to choose between them?


Rule of thumb questions

Rule of thumb questionsClient App

• Is your app being used by a specificgroup of users on various sites and lists?

• Does your app require very rich user experience?

• Should the app support large, lengthy, operations?

Web App

• Does you app “belong” to the content?

• Is any user working on the list or site need to use your app?


• What will feel more natural to your target audience?

• What platforms should you app be available?




Client apps– Rich UI native to device

– Best experience for specific device input (keyboard, touch, pen, etc.)

– Integrate with other devices / features (camera, printer, office client, GPS etc.)

Web apps– Rely on browser (Mandatory: IE9+, Chrome & FireFox)

– Built mostly on JavaScript, CSS, HTML

– Flash, Java and Silverlight may provide richer experience, but not cross platform


CSOM 3 level throttling– Break your requests into smaller requests

– Keep the state of large operations in your app

Client apps are much better at keeping track of large state operations

Web apps tend to be more vulnerable to browser crash, close or navigate by accident (how many times did you hit backspace out of a textbox and browser went back losing your state?)

Experience – avoid list throttle

sp.ListItemCollectionPosition pos = null;do {sp.CamlQuery query = new sp.CamlQuery();//get 500 items at a time, appease the angry throttling godsquery.ViewXml = "<View><ViewFields>" + ViewFields + "</ViewFields><RowLimit>500</RowLimit></View>";if (pos != null) query.ListItemCollectionPosition = pos;var items = currentList.GetItems(query);CurrentGlobalDataContext.Progress.ClientContext.Load(items);CurrentGlobalDataContext.Progress.ClientContext.ExecuteQuery();//set position to next batch. Last batch will return nullpos = items.ListItemCollectionPosition;//add batch to all itemsforeach (var item in items) CurrentGlobalDataContext.AllItemsInList.Add(item);} while (pos != null);

Experience - Updates

Web apps, Mobile & Tablet:

– Store files on your own server (

– Some changes require publishing a new app to the store

Desktop apps:

– Using ClickOnce easily push updates to clients

– Supports optional or mandatory updates

– Online only option: require users to launch it from your site



Development machine

Development machine

Windows 7 SP1 and up, Server 2008 R2 and up

Install Visual Studio 2012/2013

Install SharePoint Client Components SDK

No need to build on SharePoint server




In project properties->Publish set up click once application

Publish directly to FTP/Web server, optionally wrap in a WSP to host in SharePoint

Support multiple publish locations

Auto update, force update


It is highly recommended you digitally sign your application, with a valid code signing certificate, to avoid nasty prompts for users when launching your application. Do that in project propertyes -> signing, as well as in your project csproj file:

<Target Name="SignOutput" AfterTargets="CoreCompile"><Exec Command="&quot;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0\bin\x86\signtool&quot;

sign /f &quot;$(ProjectDir)xCodeSigningCertificate.pfx&quot; /p &quot;[password]&quot; &quot;$(ProjectDir)obj\$(ConfigurationName)\$(TargetName)$(TargetExt)&quot;" />



To pass parameters to your application visit project properties -> publish -> options, and check “Allow URL parameter to be passed to application” box.

In IE only, parameters can be sent to the application installer URL:


Note: these parameters are not saved when launching the application from the desktop in the future! You have the option to save it in IsolatedStorage.


To send parameters to non IE browsers, if you have a set possible values, you can create specific setup files and point the users to them:

copy setup.exe setup-petelab.exesetup.exe -url="http://my.server/myapp.application?SPHostUrl=" /dest=setup-petelb.exe


To read parameters in your app, run this code:

Note: if you allow the application to be used from the desktop, you must save the parameters in IsolatedStorage

if (ApplicationDeployment.IsNetworkDeployed) {string queryString = ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment.ActivationUri.Query;if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(queryString))Parameters = System.Web.HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(queryString);}


When it is time to update your application, you simply publish a new version to your server.

You can force users to update before they can use your app.




Live demo:

KWizCom Find & Replace

– Login

– Get client context

KWizCom Web Installer

– Publish via WSP

– Get query string parameters


Keep login info + parameters in IsolatedStorage where only the user and your app can access

//get the user store for your appIsolatedStorageFile iSt = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForAssembly();//create a writerStreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(new IsolatedStorageFileStream(“appinfo", FileMode.Create, iSt));//write to the isolated storagesw.WriteLine(Encrypt(UserName));sw.WriteLine(Encrypt(Password));sw.Flush();sw.Close();


Retrieve them later when application loaded:

//get the user store for your appIsolatedStorageFile iSt = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForAssembly();//create a readerStreamReader sr = new StreamReader(new IsolatedStorageFileStream(“appinfo", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, iSt));if (sr == null) return;//read datastring user = Decrypt(sr.ReadLine());string password = Decrypt(sr.ReadLine());//close readersr.Close();


Shai Petel

Director of Research and Development at KWizCom

MCPD, MVP: SharePoint | @shaibs |

Additional links

Understanding and Using the SharePoint 2013 REST Interface

Authorization and authentication of apps for SharePoint 2013

How to: Complete basic operations using SharePoint 2013 REST endpoints

Authentication Code OAuth flow for apps in SharePoint 2013

How to: Create a basic provider-hosted app for SharePoint
