Chapter5a McHaney 2nd edition



Web 2.0 and Social Media for Business Textbook 2nd Edition Powerpoint Slides

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Chapter 5: Videocasting, Screencasting and Live Streaming: Part A 

Web 2.0 and Social Media for Business

Roger McHaney, Kansas State University

Videocasting, Screencasting and Live Streaming 

2 Podcasting, blogs, and RSS are technologies rooted in the idea that broadcasts can be created and made available to listeners at their convenience. Technology makes it possible to use. Web 2.0 concepts enable businesses to reach their customers and stakeholders in real time via video. The idea of synchronous communication on the web has captured the imagination of many developers who have introduced products ranging from live radio broadcasting software to television-like live streaming sites.

What is Videocasting?3 Videocasting (also called vodcasting) adds a visual

element to podcastingCan be created with inexpensive digital video technology. High-quality visual media can be created with video cameras, various editing software and an internet connection.

Video production ranges in cost from nearly free (e.g. using a webcam or mobile phone camera to capture and post video) to high budget production

Digital Video


Developed with a wide range of cameras including the inexpensive and widely used Flip (, webcam, or video recorder on a mobile device such as an iPhone or iPad. Canon, Panasonic, and Sony all offer a wide range of excellent mid-price video camcorders. Videomaker provides excellent insight.

MoreDigital Video


Video Considerations


Lens Size: Larger lens enhances light and provides better quality. Video Pixels and Resolution: Pixel is the smallest addressable screen element in a video device. More pixels in an image result in a higher video resolution.  Audio Considerations: Digital camcorders come with built-in microphones. In many instances it is necessary to attach an external microphone for better sound quality or for recording interviews more effectively.  Image Stabilization: Stabilization keeps images from shaking and bouncing around when recording action sequences. (Optical stabilization better!)


Types of Microphones



Professional lights can be purchased at a reasonable price. Lights help eliminate shadows and even out the video’s appearance. Many companies provide low-cost, studio lighting solutions. An example is

Lighting Guidelines


Lighting and sound do not need to be perfect depending on your goals. Sometimes an amateur look/feel is desired to make video more personal and ‘realistic’.

Several guidelines can improve the quality of a recording. First, avoid recording directly beneath a bright light that causes shadows to be cast over the speaker’s face. Second, be sure the location is evenly lit with multiple light sources. Third, avoid locations where light levels may change rapidly or shadows may be occasionally cast.

Computer Considerations

10 Computer system must manage and manipulate large amounts of data. In general, this means have a fast microprocessor and plenty of RAM as well as sufficient hard disk storage space

Preparing to Record a Videocast


Storyboards often are the starting point for a videocast. The storyboard provides a working plan with details specifying how a video director envisions the end product.


Shot Types

Following completion of a storyboard, a shot list can be developed


More Shot Types

Video Software and Editing

After shooting video using a camcorder or other device, the raw file is transferred to a computer.

Raw file needs to be edited and put into a form that is suitable for a videocast.

This includes adding title screens, music, commentary, and arranging the various shots in a meaningful way.

Video Software and Editing (con’t)

Video editing software comes in many different categories and cost ranges.

Both Windows and Apple OS generally provide free editing software: MovieMaker and iMovie.

Most digital video cameras include software with editing features.

A third low cost option is to investigate online video editing service.

Low Cost Video Editors Examples

The raw file needs to be edited and put into a form that is suitable for a videocast. This means adding title screens, music, commentary, and arranging the various shots in a meaningful way.

More Example Video Editors

Video Editors

18Many options are available. Windows Movie Maker is a popular choice.

Windows MovieMaker


Windows MovieMaker 2.6


Save as a Movie File after editing. This is a WMV. May want to convert to MP4 for best result on Web

Higher End Editor Examples

End ofChapter 5 Part A

Web 2.0 and Social Media for Business

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Slides Prepared by Professor Roger McHaney Kansas State UniversityTwitter: @mchaneyBlog: http://mchaney.comEmail :