Classroom 2.0




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Classroom 2.0Students participate as contributors instead of just consumers.

The following website was created by an 11th grade student in Honors Modern American History using the programs iWeb and Comic Life.

Students selected one of the social

movements impacting the United

States in the early 1900’s, researched how the movement

affected U.S. society, and created

a website that presented this

information along with a student-

generated graphic novel.

The Rise of Organized Crime

Comic Life: Students used this program to create graphic

novels about the progressive

movement they researched.

-you’ll notice Comic Life doesn’t automatically spell


The Temperance Movement

The next few slides offer another example of student work. The

graphic comics were to be written as examples

of either yellow journalism or muckraking.

You can visit this project at:

Students post all of their projects to our class’s Moodle account to be graded and for others to access. Some of the projects are also

posted to the web.

Students used wikispaces to create their own rubric for the assignment: