Collaboratively construct a shared group causal map


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EME 6403 | Summer 2008 | Team 4

Week 4 | Lesson 4.4 Collaboratively Construct Shared Group Causal Map



Week 4 Objectives Lesson 4.1: Configure jMAP with pre-

selected components Lesson 4.2: Create personal causal map

with pre-selected components Lesson 4.3: Comparing personal causal

maps and aggregating individual maps into a group map

Lesson 4.4: Collaboratively construct a shared group causal map


Lesson 4.4 In this activity, your group will collaboratively

construct a shared group causal map. This map will subsequently be posted unto your

group’s website.


Requirements As a group, collaboratively construct a shared

group causal map by Saturday, 11:59pm, EDT.


Activity Tasks To complete this task, you will need to do the following:

1. As a group, determine time and “location” to meet online. It is recommended that your group use the Blackboard’s virtual classroom. Alternatively, you may use other software such as (tech-aid is available here Tech Aide - Meebo_HowTo.doc )

2. During your group meeting, discuss the merits of each personal causal map and identify areas of commonality. Also, identify and reconcile the differences of members’ personal causal map.

3. Collaboratively decide on a shared group causal map and post it unto your group’s wiki page (see navigation panel on wiki site).


Lesson 4.4 Wrap-up In this lesson, your group have collaboratively

constructed a shared group causal map. In the next lesson, you will learn how to create

a website that will host your group’s shared causal map.
