Common Ground Farm in 2011


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2011 Crew

March: Film Screening

and Panel Discussion

April: Gather Round

April: Kickstarting the Fence


Fundraiser for CGF

Ah, sweet summer…


September: Spreading Compost Post-Irene

Thank you, Dyson Foundation!

October: First Annual Pig Roast

The High Tunnel

The CGF Family Grows

West Wildfong Heuer

Inigo Wood

Nolan Young

Our First New Member of 2012!

William Hahn

The CGF Family Grows

Welcome our new Education


November: the Auction

"Every bite of food we grow ourselves, every forkful that comes from our own labor instead of from the troughs

of corporate food, is a statement that we are

taking our power back. We don't need them to feed us. Whether from our garden, our farmer's market, or our

local CSA, we can feed ourselves."

Read more in "What Does Gardening Have to do with the #Occupy

Movement?" on
